Delirious {Harry Styles oneshot}

Começar do início

 Speaking of friends, where the f.uck were mine? My coworker Michelle was the one who originally invited me to this thing - she knew all the guys. But since she wasn't exactly my favorite person in the world, I invited all of my other friends to come too. Alyssa, my roommate/best friend/best fanfic writer in the universe was the only one I could still locate, since she was sitting next to me by the campfire. I thought I saw Drake and Adrian sneak into the woods maybe half an hour ago, and they haven't showed up since. Olliver was probably getting stoned somewhere, and the last time I saw Chloe she was surrounded by a group of strangers she refused to introduce me to.

 So here I was, with a couple of really cool, hot guys that were apparently hilarious, unless that was just my buzz talking. I mentally noted to stop drinking for at least an hour or so, so I could cool down my system. It might be a good idea to stop Alyssa from drinking too, considering what happened last time. I cringed. That could never happen again. It was a miracle I survived.

 The guys started a mini conversation about porn or something, so I tuned out for a second and turned to Alyssa. She had a faraway look on her face, and her cheeks were bright red. I instantly knew she was belligerently drunk, as usual. Oh well, at least she was more confident this way.

 "Are you having fun?" I smiled at her. I knew she was uncomfortable in social situations sometimes.

 She ignored my question. Bitch. "That guy is sooo hot," she slurred.

 I looked in the direction she was pointing. The guy was insanely short and messy looking, like a drowned rat; and it was obvious he was just as drunk as she was, and probably tripping on acid too, because he kept falling down all over the place. I had to admit though, he wasn't that bad. Just not my type. "Totally," I agreed, egging her on. "You should go talk to him!"

 She shook her blonde curls furiously and glared at me like I was Satan. "No f.ucking way, f.uck no," she moaned. "What the f.uck? Why would you even say that? He's way too f.uckin' sexy.

 As if on cue, his head snapped up and his strangely yellow eyes met hers. Ew. He had eyeliner on. He looked like a wet raccoon, but Alyssa seemed to dig it, because she was suddenly biting her lip, and I knew what that meant. Ugh, I hate to learn that the hard way. He smiled at her widely. I nudged her in the side and whispered, "Dude, he's totally into you!"

 "Sandy, shut the f.uck up!" she hissed back at me. I just smirked at her knowingly. She was getting laid tonight.

 The guy had a bunch of his buddies surrounding him - a dude with a massive afro, a dude who was even shorter than him and covered in tattoos, and a scrawny dude who looked like he was incredibly pissed off. The afro guy was poking the hot guy and pointing in our direction with a cheshire cat grin.

 "He's staring at you!" I giggled and lightly pushed her. She looked like she wanted to bite me. Damn grouchy drunk.

 "He and the tattoo guy should get together," she murmured. "He's...he's totally a bottom. Um. Buttsex."

 "No Alyssa, no gay stuff, this is about you!" I urged and mentally grimaced.

 The guy started to stumble over here, while afro guy cheered him on. Alyssa hastily made a turn around and tried to fix herself, straightening her clothes and pulling her shirt down so she exposed more cleavage.

 "Nice," I whispered to her sarcastically and smirked. She punched me in the arm.

 "Ow! Bitch..." I murmured, and she punch me harder, and whispered something about skinning Tata alive if I didn't shut my f.ucking face hole.

 The guy stopped in front of her, and she back off of me, and I breathed a sigh of relief, clutching my now bruised arm. "Hey, I'm, uh, f.uck, um I'm Gerard," he mumbled in a harsh Jersey accent. "Do, uh, you wanna, like, hang out with me - us?" he asked, his face lighting up in hope. Aw. That was kind of adorable, in a pathetic alcoholic sort of way.

Delirious {Harry Styles oneshot}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora