Dark Light

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Blistering cold winds met his skin so unpleasantly as he was flying with the wings. All around him was a variation of white and grey, fogs above queerly shaped trees of black-some carved grotesquely with the face of Death- the leafs in lifeless colors autumn would always pain, the branches in the shape of claws- The hands of a death angel, taking innocent ones away. 

Sudden rushes of speed and wind change he felt beneath his flight. He didn’t fall, though his wings felt like they’d fail him at any summoned moment. A terrified gasp escaped him while he tried keeping his fragil steadiness and sanity alright, but… The evergreen eyes of his witnesses a light, a weird new path that increased the speed toward it, as though those wretched bags of feather were magnets and the majesty of this star was pulling them with great power. The circle was huge for his gaze to bottle, it flickered several times like lightning during a heavy storm. Ville scented devilish danger as they neared such a distance. Reaching up, his shaking hands pulled the gruesome wings with the thought they might stop and land him down from this journey, but they… They suddenly vanished into raging bird songs and sheeted his body with craw-like black feathers. That didn’t stop him from getting devoured in this void gap…

He screamed for help.

Black was building walls around him. Familiar sounds were creeping in, racing with time.


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