Letter No. 01

12 2 1

Dear Russel,

It was indeed nice to meet you for the first time online. It was merely a quick chat lasting for thirty minutes about ourselves. I felt some sparks which I think was too soon. I might say you made an impression on me. You looked a bit gruff but you held a soft spot for dogs. I acted like a smitten teenager for the first time. It was so embarrassing. Luckily no one at home saw that. My family has this negative perception about finding love online and I would like to think otherwise.  

I've never had a boyfriend and you expressing your interest in me was such a surprise. I'd like to think that I was trying to get ready to become a spinster in the making. I had the love for cats which would really suit me more. But then low and behold, you told me how much you liked my smile. My heart fluttered with the comment. Silly I know but then it is what it is. 

Although we both knew that everything was going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride, you told me that everything will work out just fine. I believed in you. You said that you were going to prove me wrong that there were still men out there who knew how to be chivalrous. 

So I decided to take a chance. I think it wouldn't hurt that much since this was just going to be a touch-and-go kind of feeling. It wouldn't evolve into something serious. I'll go with the flow as you suggest. 



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