Meet up 😔✊🏻

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It was a nice day, Jackie was in her room smoking the Devils lettuce when a small bald man walked by her window. She jumped out of bed and looked, it turns out, he wasn't actually bald. As she looked closer she noticed he had bleached hair and like no eyebrows.
"Damn papi" she heard herself whisper
She could tell she was about to N U T so she ran back to her bed
About 4 hours later she heard some really loud screams. They weren't screams of pain or anything they were more like singing screams I don't know
She decided to go investigate.
She walked outside, standing in the spot that the small man was before. She looked around, following the sound. As the sound grew louder, she realized it was singing
"Tf" she whispered as she saw the bald man dancing behind a garage.
He saw her peaking through the corner and stopped. She realized he saw her and started running away
"HEY HOE WHO ARE U" he yelled at her. She stopped
"MY nMae JAkcIe"
He ran towards her, "I'm Gerard, nice to meet you"
She realized he was not small but he was thicc
They shook hands and talked about being emo and stuff emo kids talk about

GackieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora