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Where am I?

It feels like I'm diving in a pool of water... Floating in endless waves.. It's hard to breathe it here..

It's lonely.

It's quiet.

It's alone.

I keep feeling that I'm missing something,something important...

But what?

"Yuri..Yuri.." I hear my name, someone is repeating it over an over.

Who is it?

I want to see.

I open my eyes and I see a string of light, and a face.. Blonde long hair with black hair??

"Yurio?" I fully open my eyes, and Yurio hugs me tightly.

"Katsudon.. You scared the life out of me." I pat his head and tells him to calm down.

I have never seen this side of him..

"I'm alright."

"Look who has come to see you.." I see a sliver haired man, beautiful gray eyes, long talk figure. He is tired maybe, he looks exhausted.

"Yuri..." He hugs me and cries on my shoulder, I tap his shoulder and he looks at me with tears "Yes?"

"Who are you?"

The air silenced, and everybody glanced at each other. Did I say something wrong?

"Yuri..don't you remember who he is?" Otabek pats my shoulder, I try to refresh my memory.


Who is it again..

I can't remember..

"Try thinking harder Yuri..." Yurio tells me, the man with silver hair looks at me with a sad look, his tears all fell on his clothes staining it.

He's beautiful..

I wipe away his tears with my fingers "Who are you? Don't cry." He grabs my hand and sobs quietly.

Why is he crying?

"Mister..could you let go? My hand hurts." Yurio sighs and rubs his head, the man stands up and heads to the door, before leaving he told me something "Bye Yuri."

"Bye?" I wave at him, confused.

Who is he?


My heart is all shattered..

He can't remember me.

He can't.

I run to a quiet corner and let out all my cry out. It hurts so bad.


Why can't you remember?

It's me..



God..why did you have to take his memories away..

The memories I made only for him, the memories we shared..

Why did you take it all away with one incident?

Why are you so ruthless?

Do you really want us to be apart so much?

I cover my mouth trying not to make a sound, trying to make them stop. But the tears don't stop and keep sliding through my face, they drip onto the floor one by one.

It much..I feel like I want to die.

I want to kill myself so badly right now..

I head back home and I decided, I took out the luggage under my bed that I haven't used for years.

I guess..there's no point staying anymore..

I pack all my clothes inside and leave a note. I close the door shut and before leaving a murmur something.

The winter is coming, it's cold...I walk downstairs pulling my luggage with me. I open the door and the winter wind hits my face.

"Bye, Yuri." The door slams shut leaving the empty house, the warmth in this family has gone.


Where is Victor?

"Where are you?? Pick up the damn phone!" I call with my cell, I've been trying to reach him for days.

He's gone missing..

All his things were gone when me and Otabek went home that day.

An that stupid Katsudon hurt Victor too much this time..

Where is he?

"Calm down Yurio.." Otabek hugs me, I shake my head, feeling the warmth of his hug.

"I'm so worried.."

"Maybe he just went back home.." Otabek strokes my hair calming me down, home?? Where?

"But where?" I ask him, he sighs and uses a 'are-you-stupid' face glancing at me.


((To be continued 

The unspoken relationship (Victuri)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz