Chapter 7: Girls Day

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China's POV

The girls and I arrived at the mall a couple of hours after our final final rehearsal occurred. The car ride here was entertaining to say the least. Dove decided to have a rap battle between the three of us using the song 'My Chick Bad'. I, of course, chose Eve. Sofia had Diamond and Dove had Trina. The battle ended in a three-way tie, since the girls did not want to admit that I won. I mean, come on, my rapping skills are impeccable, but it is what it is. 

"Hey, Earth to China!" Dove shouted snapping her fingers in front of my face "Where did you go girl?"

I shook my head as I laughed at her antics, "I went to the land of I don't want to hear another speech about why Dove is better at something than the rest of us...written, produced, directed and spoken by Dove."

Dove rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, "Well if it's true it's true come on, Sofia is waiting for us at the Dairy Queen."

On our way to meet Sofia, Dove and I chatted about different topics such as the movie and her relationship with Thomas Doherty. Now that is a beautiful man. I have to admit I am a bit jealous of Dove. She has a very successful career, adoring fans, an amazing look and a gorgeous boyfriend. I, on the other hand, only have three out four of those.

"Wait, when did Sofia go to the DQ?" I asked as we entered the food court area.

"She wanted to get our ice cream before the line got too long. She handed me her card, while we were in American Eagle. So, I got her clothes for her and she ran ahead to get our ice cream." Dove explained.

I Just nodded my head in acknowledgement as we finally spotted her at a table with our ice cream.

"Hey babes!" she screamed pulling both of us into a group hug "Where are my bags? I forgot what I bought again!"

Dove and I just looked at each other laughing. Classic SoSo!

We were at the mall, shopping for about six hours. 

"We didn't stay as long as we normally do." I told them as we piled into Sofia's car "Dove, can we switch? I'm always in the back."

Dove laughed, "China, why do I have to explain it every time? I am Sofia's wing woman. I have to sit in the passenger seat next to her."

"What is your job as wing woman again Dove?" I asked rolling my eyes. I love Dove, but sometimes she can be tiring. 

"I spot all the hot guys and food spots for's a very important job CHI-NA." she giggled.

Sofia sighed, "Guys, we were having such a good day...please no more passive aggressive arguing. And China, you know that Dove has a permanent reservation in the front seat. I mean she is the star of the movie and by default the star in our lives."

"Thank you Sofia! Finally, someone understands!"

Sofia rolled her eyes, "I was joking Dove."

Dove giggled as she lightly shoved her, "I know Sofia!"

I just sat back in my seat. Sometimes I feel a bit left out with those two. Even with Cameron, it's always about Dove. Maybe if I took him up on his offer he will eventually forget about chasing after Dove, who is in a relationship. And maybe, he will see that the perfect girl for him as been standing in front of him this whole time.

Kiss the Girl (China A. M. and Cameron B.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن