Thirty-Six: Help Convincing the King

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"Will she be at breakfast?" he wondered, forgetting about his attire and focusing on his new favorite topic. Skylar.

"Yes, along with the king and queen," Greta assured him while she set his clothes in a neat pile. "In fact, we should be on our way if you don't want to be late."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he stood up slowly, dreading that they were about to sit down with a man who obviously loathed him. But he would get to see Skylar, and that's what mattered. He didn't like being away from her. He knew that he was likely in more danger here than she was, but if something happened and he wasn't there because her father had decided to keep them apart, well, he would never forgive himself.

"Come along then, Orion," Greta ushered him out of the room toward what was likely the dining hall. As he walked next to her, standing tall like normal, the small woman smiled up at him. "You play the part of a noble well."

"I'm trying my best."

She was quiet again until they rounded the corner to see a room with four guards standing outside the open doors. From there he viewed the table which was in the process of being filled with food. His stomach growled and he started to walk faster toward the meal but Greta grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop.

"Why did you save her?"

He paused and looked down at his new friend. Her brown eyes were filled with question and she continued, choking up a little. "Taking her in probably put you in danger, but you saved her from him. Why?"

"I couldn't leave her," he stated simply. It was the truth. As irritating as she'd been when he'd found her, he could not have left her behind if he'd wanted to.

Greta pressed her lips together. "You're a good man, I can tell, and I know you'd never hurt her. I never had children of my own and Skylar is as close as I'll ever get. Orion Nogard, if you hurt her in any way, I will have to kill you, you know that right?"

Orion fought a smile. "If I ever hurt her, I'll be the one to hand you the knife."

Greta nodded in satisfaction, reaching forward to squeeze his hand. "You have my support, both of you do. Now I have to go help in the kitchen, so you go sit down and wait for the rest of the family. They'll be there soon."

He nodded at her in acknowledgement and she marched away. As he watched her disappear around a corner, he grinned. She and Nana would get along famously.

He also realized how loved Skylar was here. How important she was to her family, and asking her leave them to become his mate and the Alpha female of his clan suddenly felt like asking her to choose between them.

He shook his head to get rid of the thought; there would be plenty of time to contemplate the complexities of that question. For now they needed to make sure they would live long enough for that to become an option.

He turned to walk into the dining hall and couldn't help but look around in awe. Naturally, the room was larger than necessary, but it was beautiful. Three chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and, though they were unlit, they were magnificent. For now, the drapes had been thrown open to bathe the room in the morning sun. It illuminated the sixteen person table and all of the food that had been set upon it. No one in their right minds needed that many options for breakfast, but this was the royal family. They would never go without. He caught the eye of one of the servants bustling around the room. His instinct was to sit at the head of the table, but he knew that wasn't his place here.

"Lord Nogard," a man greeted, pulling out a chair in the middle of the table. "Their Majesties will arrive shortly. May I pour you a drink?"

Orion was a little taken aback. He couldn't pour his own drink?

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