Cupcakes {Yoosung X MC}

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Tried to make it kinda happy and romantic although the beginning starts off a bit slow. Nonetheless, hope you enjoy! <3


You walked into your apartment tired and exhausted. In all honestly, all you wanted to do was sleep. You'd been working your butt off from 5 am in the morning since your boss had called you in for a make-up shift since you missed the one yesterday.

You lugged your drained body through the front door and practically threw your keys on the counter. As you plopped down on one of your couches, your fingers rubbed at your temples, hoping to provide some sort of relaxation. Sighing you propped your feet up onto the table and switched on the TV. As you browsed through the channels, you could feel a cool draft enter the room.

You looked up to see your window open and the blinds shaking from the draft. As you realized it was nothing, you sank back down in your couch throwing yourself a silent pity party.

But before you could grow too comfortable, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you securely.

"AAAHHHH" You jumped up off of your couch.

"Y/N it's just me!" The guy replied.

You turned your head and looked at the man behind you.

Yoosung looked positively glowing as he tilted his head at how frightened you were.

"Yoosung! You scared me so much! I thought I was gonna die or something!" You gently pushed his arm, still trying to tame your steadily increasing heart beat at looking at your sweet and lovable boyfriend.

His face broke out into a smile as he gently kept one hand behind his back to prevent you from seeing what he was holding. But being the scared little fetus you were, you completely ignored that.

He had his cute blonde hair in place with two brown clips like usual and was wearing a blue jacket over a yellow shirt. Jeans covered his legs. His beautiful purple eyes looked at you with amusement.

" was work?" He asked tentatively knowing the wee hours of the morning you woke up at.

"Tiring, exhausting, makes me evaluate my you want me to keep going?" You replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"I knew you were going to feel that way so..." Yoosung brought his hand from behind him and held his hand out to you. "I thought you might want some cupcakes since you didn't eat lunch"

Your eyes grew wide as you stared at your favorite treat ever.

"I-Wha-...?" You stuttered completely at a loss for words.

"Y/N? Do you not like them?" He whispered. Hurt and sadness slowly made their way into his beautiful orbs as he lowered his hand slightly.

Without uttering another word, you took the cupcakes and set them on the table as you jumped into his arms. Burying your face into his jacket, you inhaled his sweet scent while thanking the gods above for blessing you with such a wonderful boyfriend.

"What are you talking about? Of course I love them! How do you always know what to do when I'm feeling down?" You whispered into his jacket.

"I just return the favor whenever I can because you do the same for me" He hesitantly whispered back as his arms hugged you back.

"What did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend?" You muttered.

"Everything, and more" He whispered back.

"Love you Yoosung" You said as you gently pulled away from him and stared at the cupcakes. "Now, let's get started shall we?" You winked over at him with a grin.


AAAHHH I'm cringing. Oh god, I'm sorry for tormenting you with such crappy writing XD

Constructive criticism is welcome <3


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