Chapter 28

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Ethan's POV

We sat with (Y/n). She had been unconcious since the incident. The driver had been taken into custody. We'll have to go to court in a week.

Jack wasn't himself anymore. When he came to talk to (Y/n), when he was on the phone with me, when he talked to me in person. I could tell that when they split, it had really broken him inside.

This just adds to it. He was happy for a few hours, then his heart gets ripped in half by some idiot driver.

Mine seemed to have been, too. I couldn't do anything but think about anything but her. I need to forget about trying to be with her, she's with Jack. I just can't seem to forget though.

Mark and Amy walked into the room, but they immediately stopped when they saw Jack.

"Jack... What are you doing here?" Amy asked angrily.

"Yeah, you broke her heart pretty bad and we were the ones who had to try and fix it. Why are you even here?" Mark added.

Jack looked up at them with puffy red eyes. He was sad and hadn't stopped crying. I think Amy knew as soon as Jack looked at them, but Mark was still clueless.

Jack must have noticed, because he showed him the ring was back on (Y/n)'s finger.

"You're back together?" He asked.

Jack nodded. "I called Ethan and asked to talk to her. I wanted to speak to (Y/n) in person to tell her the truth about what really happened that night. I showed her the ring again and she put it on. She went to get food, but then... This." Jack said.

"Come here, Jack." Mark said. Jack stood up and Mark hugged him. "She's gonna be fine. Both of you will. Just think- you'll be married, maybe have kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and be with each other forever. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah. It does."


Your POV

Everything around me seemed... Odd. As in, nothing would be the same as this. Ever.

The air seemed thinner, I couldn't move. Everything was dark. My entire right side throbbed and ached with pain. My head was pounding, ears ringing.

Where was I?

Then it all came back to me. I was walking to KFC. A car screeched behind me. I turned around to see a glimpse of two headlights just before the SUV hit me.

Now I hear voices. Some of them familiar.

"Mr. McLoughlin, the driver's name is Steven Hernandez and he was driving under the influence of alcohol. You will go to court with any witnesses and the victim when she wakes up and is able to leave the hospital, which is estimated to be in a week. Doctor Morgan will be in shortly if you have any questions about your fiance's condition." said an unfamiliar, man's voice.

I heard footsteps, then a door opening and closing. "My name is Dr. Morgan. I see you have all come to visit Ms. (L/n) here. She is currently in stable condition, but I'm afraid she might not be able to walk again. Now, it wouldn't be permanent, but it would be a long lasting issue. Several surgeries will be done, but we need her permission to do them."

"Seriously? I can't even get a fucking break from any problems, can I?" Jack said to himself, I think.

"I'm sorry sir, but the way she was hit caused quite some internal and external damage to her leg. The healing process would take a while."

"And you think that surgery won't add healing time? That requires time we can't make and money we don't have." Jack replied.

I heard the doctor leave.

"Jack-" Mark began.

"Just shut up, Mark."

"I just-"

"I said shut up!" Jack yelled. "Why do I even bother loving someone if every time she just leaves me?"

Memories Begin With Goodbye (Jacksepticeye x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें