Wakey Wakey Eggs & Bakey

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  Life on The Raza was... unusual. Hard. Unconventional. All passengers aboard were memory wiped, and woke up in the middle of a intergalatic war feild. To make it all better, they were wanted criminals. The six survived plenty of things...and partially made it up as they went along. Like the naming situation. Their names were the number in which they woke up. Meet them, shall we?

One: Empathetic, pretty boy, Caucasian, 5'7, brown eyes, brown hair and a grudge against Three. Weak Spot: Innocent people

Two: Badass, Hispanic female, 5'5, dark brown eyes, black hair and has a 'thing' with One and Three. IN CHARGE Weak spot: Five.

Three: Complete jack ass. Brown hair and eyes, Caucasian, 5'8, humor defense mechanism. Weakness: Two and his guns. (He names his guns, weirdo.)

Four: Distant, underlying care. 5'8, Asian decent, brown eyes, black hair. (Not a chatter box) Weakness: Honor.

Five: Smart, young. 5'3 16 year old female, Caucasian. Green hair (naturally black), brown eyes. (Is. Chatter box) Weakness: Self doubt, Two, Six, lack of experience.

Six: Moral, brave. 5'9, African American male, brown eyes, black hair. Weakness: Children, Innocent people, Five.

Seven: Me.

Nyx: Complex bitch.

Android: Robot with feelings? 


  I open my eyes to see a bunch of random people looking down at me. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." One man said, his name I later found out was Three.
"Shut up Three." Another man said back.
"Come on One, let's go."
"Both of you stop." A woman said. And amazingly they did. "Let's get you out of there, shall we?" She assisted me out of my pod thing and sat me on top of a crate to use as a makeshift bench. "Who are you? What's your name?"

They were simple questions, but I had no answer. I looked at them in horror. I had no name. I had no past. They all looked back at me with a sort of defeat.
"Don't you know your name?" The girl with green hair, Five, asked.
"No." I said as I suddenly felt self  conscious.
"Seven it is then." The Hispanic woman said. "Welcome aboard, I'm Two."
"Like the number?"
"Yup. We all woke up like you. No memories. Not a lick of memory. So we name ourselves by the order we woke up. I'm Three." A man with a rough voice said.
"I'm One. Welcome aboard."
"I'm Two, as I said. That's Three. Four-" A man of Asian decent and had a rather large sword on his hip. "Five." A young girl with green hair and non matching patterns all over her clothes. "Six is down there." He's African American and was very, very large. But his eyes were kind.

"That makes me Seven." I look at the new crew. "When did all of you wake up?"
"Fourteen months ago." Two said, I could tell she felt sorry I didn't wake up sooner.
"We all have...capabilities. Strong, fast, instinct of killers. We need to test your skill set." Three said with a smug smile that never seems to leave.
"Test my skill set?" I said back. It was all so easy, go go go, and not a moment to process.

"Yeah you know, you fight each of us, shoot some stuff. It's a good time." Three said as she twirled his gun around his finger.
"Let's slow down a little. How about we got you a shower and a meal?" Two said as she smiled at me kindly. She seemed cold but still caring towards the crew, but towards me she seemed to hold special interest. "Come on, I'll take care of her. Everyone else, go about your duties." With that the while crew left, except Five.
"I could help you?" Five said timidly.
"Can you go fix her a decent meal and I'll get her a shower?" Two said with a smile.
"Sure thing." Five left with a smile.
"Here." Two assisted me up and I knew I could walk on my own, but her touch seemed familiar. "You can use my quarters." She helped me to her quarters and started a warm shower.
Standing in the shower I let the warm water wake every part of my body. My feet tingled as they warmed more. I scrubbed down my body and washed my hair. Exiting the shower a towel, clothes and shoes were provided. I dried off and put in the tight pants, well fitted t shirt and combat boots. They seemed to be the more female version of everything. Though all of it was black. Come to think of it, Five was really the only one that ever wore color.
"Hi." I turn around to see a African American woman...she is for and has no features. She's well proportioned and was leaning in the door way with her arms crossed.
"Am I supposed to know you?"
"No." She smiled and her body became more loose, friendly. "I'm Nyx. Welcome aboard."
"You have a real name?"
"Well, I wasn't part of the original crew. But yeah, I have a real name." She smiled again as if amused. "So, they call you Seven?"
"Yes." I said back. For some reason I felt like she wasn't supposed to be there.
"Nyx. Out." Two said. Nyx made a fake got-caught face.
"As you wish." She walked out, but of course she winked at me first.
"Hey...wow you look better in my clothes than me." She said with a laugh. "I came to give you this hair brush and see how you're doing?"
"I'm good. Thanks." She hands me the brush and smiles at me fondly. "Do we know each other?" I asked, I had such a strong feeling that she was so familiar.
"In another life, yes."
"How? How do we know each other?"
"We were partners." She said with a smile.
"Like we were 'partners in crime' so to speak?"
"Something like that." She said back. "I have hair product behind the mirror, use what you want, I'll be out here."
"Yeah." I said as she shut the door. "Thanks." I said after I was alone in the room. I wiped the fog off the mirror to see myself for the first time. I have fit, square shoulders, skin of Latin decent, with uncanny hazel eyes. My hair is long and thick but part of my hair is shaved on the side with a tattoo of the percentage 99.99% on my neck. I have a shoulder tattoo of a ship, a space ship of course. Underneath it said Craft of Artemis written in Greek. That's right, I know Greek. I brushed my hair and let is fall over my right shoulder. I exited the bathroom too see Two in front of a mirror, humming and gently swaying her body.
"No, I don't want to love somebody else" She sang in a mumble.
"You're a good singer."
"Oh!" She quickly turned around to see me. "Hey, Seven. I...thanks."
"Do you dance?" I asked. What the hell Seven?
"Yeah, do you dance?"
"Not that I know of." She said back. 
"I remember how to for some reason." I said back with a shrug.
"You'll have to teach me some time." She walked to the door. "Five has your food ready. Coming?"
"Yeah." We walked to the mess hall where all the others were eating as well. Which didn't make Two the happiest but she went in with me and we ate. The food was gross and hard but I wasn't gonna complain. The whole meal, every free second Two was looking at me with wonder.
Out of no where Three threw a cup with I easily caught with my left hand. "What the hell!" Two said.
"What?" Three said back nonchalantly.
"We aren't testing her yet!" She said back strongly.
"Oh quit coddelling mama bear." Three said back, he was trying to push her.
"Shut up." She said back, she was pissed. 
"He's right for once. You beat me up when we first met." One chimed in.
"And Three held a gun to me, don't see me doing that now." Two snapped back.
"She needs time. She has something we didn't. People who can help." Five chimed in.
"I think she's fine." Three added.
"How about we all sit the hell down, eat and you can test me after." I said as I continued to calmly eat. They silently complied and the rest of lunch was mumbled conversation with a touch of tension.
"We all ate. Time to test her." Three said, all too happy to make me shoot guns and fight people.
"Fine. Let's go." Two said back bitterly.
They all looked at me and all I added was a sarcastic "Fun."

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