Chapter 2 : The beginning of the Teez

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The teez may not be as meaningful as the toz, but the story holds a longer timeline, as it goes deeper in the past.
The teez is and has always been the meaning for butt, but people during that time have not realized that the teez was capable of much more, and carried more value.
Though the teez has always been a word, it was not used for its true slang and went along with toz till 1873.
The story is worth thinking about before being told, for one error can leave the story confusing. Memorize carefully before retelling.
Today, this story will be retold by no other than our TTTP professionals, who have spent years and deticated their lives for the ancient teez.
November 12, 1452, a woman named Péťõină Rolebo was trying to find food to feed her family.
She was in India and seeking around her village she was looking in her village for food.
She needed to find a recipe that was nutritious, filling and didn't use much ingredients.
She started experimenting with water and dough and eventually made a bread that was so good.
Not only did she feed her family, but she began to sell to neighbors, then the neghborhood. It got bigger and bigger and eventually the whole village was eating her bread.
At that time, there was not a word for butt. People would just point at their bottom.  People assumed if she was capable to make such bread, she should be the one to name the two buttocks.
She came up with teez, and ever since, that Is what the arabs went

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