Not Everything

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"Should I wear my Watertribe robes or Fire Nation garments?"

Toph appeared to show little interest in my wardrobe difficulty, instead choosing to pick the dry skin off her hands, letting the flakes fall to the carpet.

"Beats me Sugar Queen, but I know that those old Watertribe robes aren't gonna cut it at this fancy dinner or whatever." I resisted the urge to retort at the use of my nickname and insult regarding my daily attire.

I huffed, choosing the Fire Nation garments that consisted of a long, layered skirt and a cropped, sleeveless top with gold trimmings around the edges.

Admiring myself in a mirror, I was pleased with the way it accented my curves and showed off my flat, toned stomach.

Maybe Zuko would like the extra skin.

As soon as the thought entered my head, it disgusted me. I would not show off my body for a man like that.

Taking a comb, I then brushed through my thick, brown locks before taking the strands closest to my face and joining them with red fabric at the back of my head.

During that time, I had almost forgotten about Toph, who had made her way over to my bed and was staring eerily into the distance.

"Doesn't it feel weird?" She commented, not breaking her stare.

"Does what feel weird?" I asked coyly, but truly knowing where she was going with this conversation.

Toph had never been an emotional person, so I wanted to hear exactly what she was thinking.

"Everything changing so fast."

There was that word again. Change.

Now her attention was turned to me, her cloudy green eyes crinkled in thought.

"Yesterday we were fighting the biggest battle like ever, and now we're just boring, old us again." She throws her hands up in emphasis.

Although we didn't exactly look at it the same way, it had obviously still effected her. This gave me some closure, knowing I wasn't being as overly sensitive as many viewed me.

"I know." I sighed, walking over to her, placing my hands on either side of my hips.

By the way she looked at me, it was almost as if she could actually see the hurting Watertribe girl in front of her.

"But we mustn't be too weirded out because we know how good this actually is. It's what we've wanted. What the world needed." I placed a comforting arm on her strong shoulder.

For a second, there was a moment of shared vulnerability between the two of us.

But only for a mere second.

"I feel a lecture about hope and crap coming on that I really don't wanna hear, Princess." She brushed my arm away roughly, standing up and crossing her arms defensively.

She then confidently walked to the far side of the chamber where she stopped.

"Don't we have a celebration to catch?" She looked over her shoulder at me from the door, where she stood looking unbothered and sarcastic as usual.

Not wanting to provoke any unwanted comments about being a crybaby, I bit my tongue for the second time that night. In that instance, I was glad she couldn't see my tense posture and heated cheeks that betrayed my irritated feelings.

I guess not everything has changed.

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