🌸2• High School Crush🌸

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"Seorin, can we have a meeting after the club activity?" Mr Han, the teacher-in-charge of the book club request me.

Why does being the vice-president seems to have more responsibilities than the president? I just wanted to go home earlier but Mr Han is just ruining my evening.

No one POV

It's another tiring day and what a day to end it with a club meeting.

Seorin dragged her tired body to the office and on the way she passed-by the Dance Club trainning room. The loud, catchy music lured her to the small window on the door. She being the fun-size, tip-toed to peek into the dance studio. And there she saw the most popular dancers practicing. She stood outside hoping she was as flexible to dance like them.

It was not for long, Seorin had to continue her way to the office.

----- at the office ----

Mr Han: Seorin, we will be putting up a booth next week to promote our Book Club to the freshmen. I will put you responsible for setting up and excuting it. You can also allocate the other members to help out too.

Seorin: Next week!? Thats... too fast... but alright I'll prepare it.

And there goes Seorin's entire weekend... just to prepare for her Book Club's booth. Even though, she have the help of juniors and peers, theres enough things to keep her weekend schedule packed.

--- the next week morning ---

The theather hall was packed with students from different club trying to last minute prepare their booth items. Even with the massive crowd and chaotic mess all around, the stage was blasting loud music. It belonged to the famous Dance Club. On stage, was the senior dance team rehersaling.

It was all mess but they really caught Seorin's attention.

Little did you know... Seorin's high school crush is on stage. And that is charismatic Bae Jinyoung.

Hahaha why did I bring in Jinyoung.
I'm so dead from school but I typed it out like finally after 2 days.

Park Woojin- "The Book Club" Where stories live. Discover now