After that we took of to the mall with his car, the one i rode in last night

We arrived at our destination after minutes and started searching for that perfume.

Kun asked the information lobby  of the store of the perfume based on its brand name, the woman told Kun the directions, we thanked the woman, and head off

I bought the perfume And its freaking expensive! hyung needs to pay for this, and i mean he really needs to literally pay!

When we passed by the cinema a movie titled 'first kiss' is showing, which reminded me of something



"Umm..can i ask you a question?"


"Is it possible for someone to kiss someone who he or she doesnt like?" I asked, thinking about what happend

"Why'd you ask such thing?" We stopped walking

I turned to face him and said "oh hehe..i just kinda watched this movie and i never got to finish it, i just wanna know if the boy really does like the girl.."

"Oh." he sighed and leaned on the glass pane, i joined him leaning

"It depends on the sometimes can be a sign that the person is interested in you, and sometimes that person would most likely play on the person he kissed, but thats another story"

"I still dont get it.." I said quietly

"Dont get what?"

I just sighed in reply

"People might not always tell how they feel about you, but they would always show you" he said and turned to face me "so pay attention"

I just stood there expressionless, what is he trying to say? am I being naive?

We started walking ,going down the ground floor

We walked in silent when Kun suddenly blurted out something funny, which made me laugh

"We should head home" kun said started to walk off

When i saw someone

Kun turned back to face me, he turned to face to where i was looking at and I started walking off to that direction, Kun followed me

"Kun you could go know, thanks for accompanying me" I said

"are you sure?"

"Yes" I said assuring him that its fine

"I dont trust him" Kun then glared at Jaehyun, making me feel uneasy, does Kun like me? I questioned myself, No that cant be- i also had these thoughts about Jaehyun but when i took a look at Jaehyun, he just had a poker face plastered on his face, ofcourse..he wont even care, I decided to myself that i wont be having these crazy thoughts anymore, I'd rather be naive than assuming something

"Its okay really" I said covering Kun from Jaehyun to get the awkward tension off

"I'll see you tomorrow then" Kun smiled  and hugged me, im starting to feel uneasy all of a sudden,

"Okay Doyoung you should head home already" Taeyong pulling me away from Kun

Kun waved goodbye  and took a one last look at the three  and finally disappeared from our sight, Jaehyun turned to me and said "You're supposed to be tutoring me today"

"One hour, i still need to go home" the truth is its three hours until my curfew, but i need to finish the tutoring as soon as possible

"Why not in your house?"

"Just.." I sighed

After that Taeyong and Ten decided to get home right away, leaving me and Jaehyun

We walked going to the nearest cafe and ordered, we sat down near the glass pane, the city lights looked amazing at night here in seoul,

I turned to face Jaehyun, he was rummaging in his bag taking his notes and books

I also took mine out, and i started tutoring him, explain every bit of information stored inside my head

Jaehyun's POV

We were at the Cafe near the mall, studying for the quizes tomorrow, Doyoung was explaining everything to me, i kept on nodding my head, i feel a little bit sorrt for him because the truth is my mind is occupied of why was he with that Kun

The moment i saw them i wanted to get over there and smack Kun's head, but i cant do that, Doyoung laughed at whatever Kun said, i've never seen him smile if he's with me though, whenever hes with me, all i gave him was problems.

Doyoung was in the middle of explaining how the formula works when I started blurting out "what were you doing with kun in the mall?"

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" He said irritated, realising that i wanst listening

"Answer my question first, and why would you go to the mall? If you dont like going to?"

"Who told you that??" He said with a hint of irritation in his voice

"Taeyong hyung did"

"Why would he-"

"Just answer me!"

"Hyung told me to buy something for him in the Mall, and kun volunteered to accompany me, which you already know why"

I sighed, why would Kun acconpany him? Does he still like Doyoung? Those thoughts were swirling inside my head

"Why didnt you call me to accompany you? Besides you still need to tutor me"

he didnt answer he just lowered his head and sighed continuing the topic on how to substitute the formula

I hate this..

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