No love

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I buckled Ruby shoes ,then kissed her cheeks.

She curled up her little fist and rubbed her eyes. Although it was seven forty five in the morning,  she was still sleepy.

Her first day of pre-k started at eight. I was so happy for her.

I had so much fun buying her school supplies and stuff.

I straightened her clothes one more time,then made sure her hair was on point.

"Mommy I'm a big girl now ,cause I am going to school"  she said while stifling a yawn.

Aww my baby was growing up.

There's one person I know that should at least act grown.

His name is Robert Rihmeek Williams. He such an ass,always on some petty shit.

We've been broken up about a year now. But still lived to together for a while.

I took up my phone taking pictures of her posting some on Instagram.

I felt Ruby tugging on my arm "Mommy is daddy coming to see me? " She Asked.

He promised me he would be there, but with with Meek you never know.

"Sweet buns I'm not sure so imma call him and see" I replied.

I went through my contacts and found Meek number under the name baby daddy.

I called him and the phone ring for about three times before he picked up.


"Good morning meek this is nicki I'm calling to tell you our daughter starts pre-k today"

"Shit,its today I forgot"

"I don't care if you forgot you memory is refreshed now so I expect you to be there"

With that I hung up the phone.

Let me give y'all the whole run down.

My name is Onika Tanya Maraj. I'm twenty seven years old I have three children other than Ruby.

Diamond who is  Six, Sapphire who is three , Emerald who is two.

Meek and I had split up three months ago cause never has any time for me or the kids. But we weren't together long before.

I wasn't gonna be in no relationship with nobody that ain't got time for me.

His mom told me I'm to mature for him and to let him be . Let him grow up and make mistakes with somebody around his age group .so they can learn from these mistakes together.

I thought what she said was bullshit cause I have four kids by him.

He need to man up and take care of them.

More updates are coming

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