Fading Light-Part 2

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Being a proxy has far more negative sides than positive sides. They keep getting told that they should be happy with what they have now. But though to amnesia there unaware whether their old lives were better or worse. All they know is that there's no way back, once they've accepted their new lives they can never return to their old ones. There considered dead by the outside world, like their completely erased from existence. Their only purpose now is to serve their master. If they only dared to disobey him, they'd await a punishment that left scars in their mind. The proxies followed orders no matter what they were, they were trained to be like that. It was far from a normal job, it requered inhuman skills, the ability to bear pain, efforts, and experience. One wrong move and it could be the end. Needing to be on your toes all the time, because every day could be the last.

Despite all this, it was not death Masky feared. Nor pain. As a proxy, he lived in pure darkness with only a small spark of light. It was the fear of that light getting blown out. It was the only thing that kept him alive, the only thing that granted him hope. He needed it, it was his other half. Without it he would feel like a part of him was missing, like he was dying inside. "His other half", "his partner".

Despite amnesia, the day he got a partner was still fresh in his mind. That day also being the day he fully became a proxy. No longer struggling to get away from the claws of the Slenderman. That day Tim gave in and became Masky, the person who he is now. No longer switching personality from time to time, only one in control. He gave in so he could be with his little spark of light, even though he knew the consequences. He joined the Slenderman because of "him".

Because of Brian.

The friend Masky thought he had lost, that he would never see again. The friend who was so-called dead stood right before his eyes that day. And that was all that mattered, he didn't care what he would have to do as a proxy. He was with the one he cared about, the one he had missed. That day was special indeed, and Masky remembers it clearly.


He was in the woods again wich surprised him. The place gave him the creeps after everything that had happened. He wasn't in the mood for seeing the tall creature again or the hooded man. But he needed time to think, now that Jay wasn't here anymore. He had no one to talk to as his closest friend was no longer here either. He put his hands in the pockets of his brown jacket as he strolled through the leaves. Each footstep making a cracking sound, his feet being the most interesting thing in the world. The man just walked in the presence of the tall trees not even caring where he was going. He must have been deep in the woods now as he didn't recognize the area. Not that he gave a damn. Tim grit his teeth trying to clear his mind and relax for just a bit. But even for him, this was impossible. He kept on telling himself "everything is fine" but he honestly just wanted everything to end. To just have a normal life for once, but he gave up on that a long time ago.

He had been walking in the woods for a long time now. The night was already starting to take over the day, darkening the area. Not paying attention to where he was going, he ended up bumping into a tree and falling to the ground. It hurt and he just wanted to cry, to just give up and end it all. But that would be considered weak and if he wanted to live a little longer he'd have to be strong. Tim just sat on the ground as something touched his shoulder. The owner of the gloved hand then spoke.

"You've been strong for too long," a way too familiar voice said.

Tim's eyes widened as he couldn't believe what he heard. He shook his head quickly trying to get up. "No, it was all just in his head. It couldn't be". He hurried away from the voice not wanting to accept what he was hearing. Though running through slightly dark woods when you just hit your head isn't the best idea. Gravity bested him and he tripped over a branch landing on his stomach. The owner of the voice took this as an opportunity and walked over to the man lying in the leaves. Going through his dark brown hair with their gloved hands.It didn't take long for Tim to snap out of it and try to escape again. But this time he didn't get away. The person grabbed Tim's jacket and pulled him back, causing the man to fall back on his back. His head still hurt so he squeezed his eyes trying to bear the pain.

Fading lightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora