The friendly creeper

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This was when I was obsessed with Minecraft, so either grade 2 or 3.

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If you can't read my horrible grade 2 writing this is what it says;

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If you can't read my horrible grade 2 writing this is what it says;

The friendly creeper.

Steve: "I've run out of bricks."

Steve: "ahh! a creeper"

Creeper: *throws down 64 blocks*

Steve: "uh... thanks?!"

24 hours later

Steve: "my house is done"

Steve: "do you want to live whith me?"

Creeper: "ok."

1 week later.

Steve and creeper going down a water slide: "wee!"

Steve's friend: "dude. there's a creeper behind you"

Steve: "its ok. he's my friend"

Steve, his friend, creeper going down the water slide: "wee!"

6 weeks later

Steve, 4 of his friends, creeper going down water slide: "wee!"

Steve's friend: "dude. got your dog"

Dog: "woof" *attacks creeper*

Creeper: "ow"


2 hours later

Sign under tree with flowers around it: Rip creeper

Next time in the friendly creeper:

Steve: "dude your alive!"

Creeper: "of cours I am. that was my brother who blew up"

AN: I know I spelled many words wrong and had grammar errors but that's how I spelt it when I was in grade 2 or 3, so don't judge. Hope you guys are having a great Canada day so far, for my fellow Canadians.

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