Just angelic

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This is the first time i am writing and uploading a short story...that too all in one day!!!!!!!!hope you guyzz like it...plzz vote and comment!!!

She walked down the road, her eyes fixed on the stone she had been kicking for quite a while. She didn't even look up when it started raining. All she hoped was that no one would notice her. What did she mean to the world anyway?

She was known just because she had multi-millionaire parents! Vinod and Neelam Khanna. She was their only daughter, Radhika. She didn't even have a life of her own. Now she had just become a public figure towards whom everyone wanted to show their sympathy. She had lost her parents in a car accident. When? Yesterday. It had been all over the news and everyone was talking about it.

Each and every person in the school suddenly wanted to show her how concerned they were and if she was sad. Really? She had just lost her parents and they wanted to know if she was sad or not? Who in their right mind would NOT be sad?

They all just pitied her because of her parents. She had millions of friends, not kidding! But there wasn't even a single one who understood her. They all pretended to like her because she was popular without even wanting to be. She just wanted to sit in a corner and be unnoticed for once. She wanted to have a normal life, normal friends, ones who had something in common with her.

Right now, for the first time in her life, she was walking on the road alone, without her bodyguard, without her servants, and...without her parents. She had sneaked out of the house when everyone thought she had gone to her room. She couldn't care less if she got lost....she was ALREADY lost. She had lost everything that meant anything to her. She went on until she found a river, and since she was tired, she sat down there, and started crying. She had been pretending to be strong in front of everyone else, but now, it was too much. She kept on crying until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She just hoped it wasn't someone she knew, although she didn't really care.

She looked up to see a little girl who looked around five or six. She held two candies in her tiny hands. It had stopped raining. The little girl sat down beside her. " Hi , I am Ahaana. Do you want a candy?", she asked me, looking at Radhika with her big brown eyes. Just looking at her innocent little face made her smile. She gave her a candy and ate the other one herself.

That day, Radhika found her way back home somehow after sitting near the river with Ahaana for about an hour. They did not speak, just enjoyed the view. That day onwards, she sneaked out of her room every single day at the same time and sat near the river, waiting for Ahaana, and each day, that little girl came to the river and gave her a candy. They never said anything, just sat there.

One day, Ahaana did not come to the river. Radhika knew there was some problem. Her friend was in trouble. Although they had never spoken since the first day, they understood each other. Radhika, because of her contacts, rather her parents' contacts, somehow got Ahaana's address. She went to her house the very next day, and found her lying on a small bed. Ahaana belonged to a very poor family, and Radhika was told that Ahaana had a lung disease which could be fatal. Radhika then and there decided she would get Ahaana treated. She paid for the operation and decided to open a hospital exclusively for kids with the money her parents left her. After the operation, Ahaana was lying in the hospital bed. Radhika went and sat near her angel's bed. She said, " Hey Ahaana, I am Radhika. Do you want a candy?"

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