Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Keep going, darling. I bet you I can time it five minutes until I can get you to have another pathetic attack." She laughed darkly, "And we all know what happens when someone can't save you from one. You'll join papa Venita and Tan-"

"Listen." I abruptly cut her off, not wanting to give her exactly what she's going for. "I will tell him, when the time is right, okay? But it's sort of hard to explain to someone that I and their co-worker are the reason my brother is dead. So stop trying to hang it over my head, because even without you dangling it, it's been suspended there for years. I feel it everyday, and I don't need you to keep reminding me. Please, stop."

"Mmm, so British of you. All the pleases and calm words." Elizabeth made a delighted noise. "Taking charge! I love it! See, you're not as sad and pathetic as everyone thinks! If I could, I would clap for you. Honestly, I would."

Edmund made a small whine, looking up to me as he noticed I had stopped petting him. 

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked, stroking Edmund's head softly. "Did I ever do something to you to get this?"

"Of course you didn't." Elizabeth threw it off casually, "I get bored, and you're interesting. I need something to do."

"Are you telling me that you're tormenting me for, fun?"


"You've got to be fucking joking me."

"Oo!" Elizabeth cringed with a laugh, "I've brought out the language! I mean, I knew you weren't as innocent as you seem, but damn, England-"

"Don't call me that, ever." I snapped, not letting her go on. 

"Strike a nerve, did I?" She groaned, "Fine, kiddo." Almost positive I was older than her, the nickname was immensely unneeded. "How about we do this the nice way. To promote your new novel, which is completely fictional, I've booked a little deal with Sherri Hill for you to model for them. I would like it if you would come tomorrow after classes to it." 

I checked the clock on Dylan's dresser, knowing that he should be home from a promotional interview for Maze Runner soon. "This is bullshit, Elizabeth."

"Completely, but I still want to you to do the modelling." She sighed again, "I'll play nice tomorrow, promise." I could tell she rolled her eyes at my reluctance to respond. "Do it for the sake of the book. You're an author now, embrace it." 

I wanted to mention that it wasn't by choice, be she was well aware of that fact. "What time?"

"There's a good girl!" Elizabeth cheerfully said, "It's at four. We're meeting at her studio in town. They'll know who you are if you give them your name at the front desk." 

Feeling a vibration in my ear, I knew my phone was telling me that I had a call waiting. 

"Look, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go." Clicking off without waiting for a response from her, I switched over to the call that was coming in from Dylan. "Hey,"

"Come out to the beach." Dylan simply said, a grin audible through his voice alone. 

"Right now?" I furrowed my eyebrows, shifting Edmund a little so I could get up from the floor that i'd been sitting on since Dylan's driver dropped me off after my maths lesson an hour ago. "Are you home?"

"Don't you trust me? Just come outside, Gen." Laughing lightly, Dylan's voice left room for waves crashing in the background.

Agreeing through curiosity, I hung up, leaving my mobile on the table in the living room near the glass door that lead out to the ocean. 

Closer to the sea, a large blanket was laid out with lights around it in the sand.

Dylan lifted his hands up as I got outside. "I believe i'm well over due for this." 

I bit back a wide smile, walking in bare feet toward what Dylan had set up.

The sun was falling , to what looked like into the water, a smear of purple and pinks blending with oranges. 

"What is this?" I asked, looking up to him with astonishment. 

"The first date, that I took way too long to have."  Dylan held out a hand to me, "I'm done letting this be a half in, half out kind of deal with us. It's not official, and I want us to be. So," Running his thumb along my knuckles, I could tell from the look on his face that he was nervous. "Genesis," He stopped again, having to take a breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

A dumb grin fell across my lips, my cheek warming. Biting the bottom of my lip, I nodded. "Yes, of course."

Dylan brightly smiled, pulling me in close enough to grab my waist. Brushing a thumb across my cheek, he rested his forehead against mine. "I've been wanting to ask you that for the longest time." He admitted quietly as if he didn't want the ocean to hear us. 

 Meeting his lips to mine, I didn't care what the ocean thought. Or anyone for that matter.

I was here with him, and that was all I could ever ask for. 

Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu