Broken Angel

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“Hey Nana! Can I go out?” I asked Nana.

“No” she said without looking up from the fish.

“Oh! Come on! Please! I’ll be back soon! I have to see Mary if she’s doing alright” I pleaded. It was true, My best friend Mary is really, really sick. She needs me. Her father’s not around and her step sister are not much of the help either. Besides, which best friend lets their best friend get away with a sickness without being teased. Well, I don’t.

“For God’s Victoria! No!” she snapped surprising me. I became silent and sat on my chair simply. So here’s the thing yelling really kind of effects me and when I say really I mean it. It is because of…I don’t wanna talk about it.

 She sighed and served the dinner. “Look Victoria I didn’t mean to hurt you but dear this is for your own good!” she said. I just got my food and started eating quietly nodding. She placed her hand over mine. “Dear look at me” she said. I looked up at her. “Honey, you must know you are not ordinary! You are not like other girls out there! You are different…” she explained.

 “What do you mean different? I’m nothing different. They have skin so do I! They have flesh so do I! They have blood so do I! I cry! I laugh! I wish! I breathe! I get annoyed! I get angry!  The only difference I see is they are free! When I’m not!” I said annoyed.

She sighed. “Sweetheart, you don’t see what others can see…” she replied taking a bite of her fish.

 I frowned. “So make me see!” I said annoyed.

She set her fork down and looked me in the eyes intently.

“Not yet” she said looking back to her food. I let out an annoyed sigh.

“Please! Just one visit!” I pleaded. She sighed. “Okay but be back before dark” she said.

My eyes lit up. I jumped out of my chair. Running to her and hugging her. She chuckled. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Dana! I love you so much!” I exclaimed kissing her cheek.

“I love you too” she replied. I hurriedly finished my food and ran to my room changing my clothes.

 I skipped out of my front door happily and jumped through the forest. I almost tripped because of how happy I was. I heard screaming as the village neared. I frowned. When I reached the village. What I saw caused me freeze there in shock.

 There was complete chaos everywhere. People were running around like frightened rabits. Mothers were looking frantically for their children. Men were composing as much stuff as they can. Houses were on fire. Shops were upside down. In other words, everything was destroyed. 

When I had enough strength  to move a little shaking figure caught my eye. It was a girl and she was on the ground. A man was towering over her. He grabbed her arm jerking it to make her stand. She folloed shakily. I looked around for anything, anything I could help her with then my eyes fell in a rock. It was not so big but nor so small either. It was okay. I rushed to it picking it up. I made my way to the man and hit him in the head from behind making him go unconcious.

I looked at the girl and my eyes widened. She was Mary. She stood up and hugged me. Tears streaming down her face. "Shh...It's okay...I'm here now" I whispered soothing  words to her. After a little while of crying she pulled away. "We don't have time for this! We need to get out of here!" she explained. I nodded and we ran. "What happened?" I asked still running towards the forest. "Pirates they-" She was cut of by someone grabbing her arm. 

We both turned around to see four men. Two grabbed me while other two grabbed Mary. I struggled in their grasp. "Let me go!" I yelled trying to free myself. Mary seemed almost lifeless she didn't struggle or anything. She let them do what they wanted to her. They were dragging her away. "Mary!" I called her name. She looked up at me emotionless. The man who was holding me yanked me towards him. He smirked. "She will cost a fortune!" he chuckled darkly. I pulled up a disgusting face which caused him to just laugh. I struggled even more. He slapped me across the face causing me to fall on the ground. I heard a scream.

I turned around and saw the man on the ground unconcious while someone was beating up the other man. He punched him making him him go unconcious as well. I looked at the man suspisiously. He smiled at me. "What? No thank you?" he teased. I blushed.

"Thank you but why?" I asked gesturing to the men on the ground.

He smiled. "Who wouldn't save a beautiful lady like you?" he said walking towards me. He took my hand and kissed it causing me to blush even more. Then we heard another scream bringing us out of out trance. "Come on! We need to get out of here!" he said taking my hand. 

We ran passing by the houses on fire, frantic women, scared children and dying men. We saw two men coming our way. My saviour pulled me towards him against a house hiding ourselves causing me to end up against him. His hands were on my waist mine were on his chest. His eyes were boring into mine until I looked away. He let me go. We stood there awkwardly. He peeked his head around the corner. "They're gone! Come on!" he grabbed my hand.

I followed after him as he stealthily lead me out of the village. On our way I saw a little girl in house on fire. She was crying. Memories came rushing back. I yanked my hand out of his grip. “What are you doing?” he asked me. I ignored him and ran towards the girl.

I rushed into the house. The house was not completely on fire. The girl was on the other side of the house. I could see her from here. I tried to get to her. But fire got in my way. After some obstacles I managed to get her. She was scared at first. I smiled at her and took of my scarf wrapping it around her ignoring the effect of heat on me. I picked up the girl and rushed out of the house.

That guy was there waiting for me. He looked angry. “Have you gone mad?!” He yelled.

“We need to find her parents” I said ignoring his question.

He looked at me in disbelief. “Are you crazy?” he asked. “It would be impossible to find them over this chaos” he said.

“I’ll find them wether you like it or not” I said firmly walking away from him. I heard him sigh and footsteps behind me. “I’m coming with you” he said. I grinned.

I bumped in a lady. She got up instantly apologizing then the little girl caught her eyes. Her eyes lit up. “Is this your daughter?” I asked. She shook her head.

I frowned. “She is my niece” she said. She took the girl from me. “Thank you” she said. “You have no idea how happy I am right now” she said hugging the girl.

I smiled. “No problem! I’m glad I could be help” I said. The woman smiled and left.

“Come on! We need to get out of here!” The guys said taking my hand.

“Who are you?” I asked.

He smiled at me. “Derek and you?” he asked.

“Victoria” he nodded then someone grabbed my arm yanking me away from him and hit me with something. Last thing I remember was my name being yelled then I blacked.

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