Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"What's happening with the walls? Are"

"I-I think so," I said, stumbling over my words.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Kayla kept repeating, in some sort of shocked trance.

"Preston, can you please help calm her down or something? She's scared out of her mind."

"Man, I don't know if I can move. I'm paralyzed!" Preston said, sounding frantic, "Also, that cat is creeping me out, Kai!"

"Okay, don't panic. I'm coming," I said, leading them both by the hand to the couch, "Just sit together. I'm trying to see what's going on."

As we watched, the cat stretched, raising up on its hind legs. The shadows formed two bat-like wings on the wall that spread out across the majority of the ceiling. I let out a strange gurgling sound from the back of my throat and fell backwards in my feeble attempt to get away. It seemed to smile at me while it continued to grow, morphing into a humanoid shape. The cat collar became a choker with a glowing green charm in the shape of a crescent moon. I scooted on the floor until my back was against the wall and I rose to my feet, eyes wide with fear.

"What. Is. That?" Preston gasped, then whimpered a little.

I couldn't speak. I shook my head with my mouth open. Shadows surrounded the figure. It was dressed all in black and wearing a long cloak that hid their face. In one hand they had a staff of some sort with what looked like a white crystal on top. The shadows oozed around the dark figure, pooling at their feet like some weird inky puddle. The only light came from the half-moon necklace, pulsating like a heartbeat and the glowing white staff-head.

"What is happening?" Preston squeaked out, holding Kayla, who had long since closed her eyes and continued muttering under her breath like she was saying some sort of protective chant.

The hooded figure moved towards me, followed by shadows that, by now, filled the walls, alive and seeking to destroy any light that they found. We were blanketed in complete darkness, aside from the bright glow of the crystal on the staff. I swallowed, my breathing shaky and shallow as I flattened my back against the wall. My eyes opened as wide as I could make them as I looked towards the front door, determining it was too far.

"Stop," hissed a familiar voice, halting me in my tracks, "Where is he?"

I swallowed again, the large lump hurting as my Adams's apple bobbed. I heard an odd strangling sound and realized that I was the one making it. I stared at the dark figure, the light bathing the face in its bright white unearthly glow, unable to speak. I shook my head back and forth, trying to clear the cobwebs, but every time I opened my mouth, nothing came out but air. I looked over at Preston and Kayla to find them staring at the cloaked dark figure as well.

I finally found my voice, "You can see her?" It sounded so small and frightened, but it was definitely mine.

They blankly stared, open mouthed and wide eyes, nodding in response to my question.

"Pay attention fool!" the figure boomed, pounding their staff on the ground once.

Kayla and Preston jumped, Kayla covering her ears and yelling, "What is that awful sound?!"

"Yeah dude, what gives? Stop screeching at us!" Preston shouted back loudly.

I narrowed my eyes and looked back at the figure, "What's going on? What are you doing to them?"

"I am doing nothing to them. They cannot hear my true voice like you can," she answered, dropping the hood that covered her face to reveal white pupils that stared vacantly at me. "Is that better? Can you hear me now?"

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