Twelve: Jack and Sydney

Start from the beginning

"Yes!," Finn cheered. "We're on our way!"

I resist the urge to wince and tell him to shut him up-in front of Sydney's cousin.

"Yes, that would be lovely," I tell her, giving her the smallest of smiles.

She grins at me mischievously, "Okay."


Sydney's POV

"So, you like him?," Cat asks me, her eyes gleaming.

I shook my head, "No."


"You're in denial."

"No, I'm not," I say firmly. "At least I think I'm not."

Cat just shooks her head, making that tsk tsk sound as she gets off my bed, "Syd, you have a very hot guy who seems to like you and be honest, you like him back. What's so complicated with that?"

I give her a look, "Do I really have to explain it to you?"

She crosses her arms over her chest, "Yes. Because I am completely confused."

"Well. Here's one reason," I begin. "Jack is Finn's identical twin brother. Which means he's like Finn's walking ghost or something."

"And you're point is...?," Cat asks with a totally blank expression.

I sigh, "My point is, it's hard to spend time with someone who looks exactly like the guy who I had developed feelings for, for just a span of three hours and who apparently died after."

She considers my point for one minute then cocks her head to the side, "Seriously? I mean, who falls in love with someone they just met?"

I give her a dark glare, "Oh, Cat, you don't know anything."

She shrugs. "Well, you got that right," she says as she eyes the pack of chips on my bed-side table. "I've only got eyes for fictional characters." She walks over to the side of my bed, grabbing the chips. "And food," she adds.

I laugh as she hurriedly opens the pack, "Oh my god, Cat, you're going to be alone," I joke.

She smiles at me, "I'd rather be alone than be stuck with a goddamn sucker."

The doorbell rings just when Cat was about to munch on her first chip. She groans, "Why? Why now?"

I laugh as she lazily stands and opens the door.

"It'll be exercise," I shout. She just laughs lightly and closes the door.

A few minutes was good enough time to think about what happened. It all happened so fast. All in two weeks. If only I got to the coffee shop five minutes earlier, then I could've saved myself from this horrible mess that I'm in.

"Sydney," Cat says, her tone mischievous. The door opens. At first, only revealing her. "Look who's here."

The door opens fully, revealing someone I was dreading to see.


"Where are we going exactly?," I ask Jack as he starts the car.

I didn't even actually agree to this. When Jack asked me if I wanted to go to some place with him, Cat immediately agreed, for me. She practically dragged me into my room, made me wear this tight green dress and black high heels that would probably make my feet ache the next few days.

"Umm... I'm not really sure actually."

I frown at him,"Okay, now I'm worried."

He chuckles as he grabs the steering wheel, "Well, I was thinking we could go wherever that floats your boat. I didn't want to make any plans yet."

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