Chapter 1

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I pulled my coat tighter around me as I walked through the streets of London on a windy afternoon. It was unusually crowded for a Thursday, but I heard there were celebrities in town. Of course the streets would be filled with fangirls trying to get a glimpse of whoever it was. I turned the corner into a private alley way I always cut through on my way home from work.

I heard my phone ring and reached into my purse to grab it when I smacked straight into something. Or someone.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry." I heard the person say.

"Oh, it's cool. I wasn't-" I looked up and stopped short. He looked oddly familiar. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I hoped so. He was beautiful. He fixed his long curly hair and then looked at me with stunning green eyes.

"Um, I don't know." He flashed me a perfect smile. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He said it as if I should know who he was.

"Oh, okay." Still couldn't put my finger on where I had seen him before. "I'm Collette."

"Well, Collette, if you remember where you think you might know me from, let me know." He said with a wink.

"I'll do that." I told him, smiling back at him. He was adorable. 

"Is that an Iphone?" He asked, motioning to the phone in my hand.

"Yeah, here you can see it." I handed it to him.

"Oh, cool." He turned it over in his hands. "You know, I think there's something wrong with it."

"Really? What?"

"My numbers not in it." He said with a straight face. I laughed, and he smiled at me again, showing me his perfect dimples.

"Oh, that's it!" I said, laughing. He was entering his number when the phone rang again.

"I'll get it." He said, clicking the answer button. Who was this guy?! I laughed again. 

"Collette's phone." He said, trying to copy my American accent.

He waited a minute. "Hold on one moment, miss." He put his hand over the speaker. "It's a girl named Rachel. She says you were supposed to be home 15 minutes ago and she doesn't sound very happy." He explained to me in a whisper.

"My roommate. Tell her I'll be home soon." I said, trying to suppress my giggles and not make a complete fool of myself.

"She'll be home soon, sweetheart." He told her, hanging up and handing the phone back to me.

"Oh my god, I don't even know you, and you're answering my phone for me?" I asked him.

"You don't know me?" He said, looking hurt. "I thought we were best friends." He frowned.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot!" I told him, patting him on the back. "Besties for life."

"Good." He smiled again. "Well, you better get home before Rachel murders the both of us."  His deep accent was very alluring.

"I guess you're right." I said. "Thanks for fixing my phone, by the way." I winked at him. Might as well flirt while I had the chance.

"No problem, babe."


Hey guys, just a qiuck note. This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it! Please comment and let me know what you think, and if I should continue it. xxx (:     - E

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