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1. Stories are accepted only in English languages

2. No rude comments!!

3. All should follow the judges amd this account

4. They certain prizes for different winners

5. Fill the form and follow the rules

6. Just write "password" word at last to know you read all the rules in the form.

7. Be polite, No bad words and rudeness

8. Your book can be of any number of views

9. Your book must contain atleast 3 chapters.

10. Add this book to your reading list.

11. Don't delete your comment after accepting.

12. You can nominate 3 books of one author not more than that.

Judges can also nominate their books , but in other categories  whom they are not judging.

As the judges are not yet decided you can just enter your book after the notice from this awards you need to follow the judge of your book category!!

Your book can be accepted before but can be disqualified after if you dont follow the judge!!

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