4. Tension in the headquarters

Começar do início

"--what are dementors doing in Surrey, that's what I want to know!" Remus hissed from downstairs.

My eyes widened. Dementors?

"--It's obvious, isn't it?" said Sirius, his voice rising. "Somebody sent them after Harry!"

My stomach tightened. Harry had been attacked by dementors? Was he alright? "--We can work that out after the trial." Mr Weasley's calm voice said. "They haven't expelled him yet."

"He must have used a patronus." Gennie shook her head. "I want to know where Mundungus was, he was meant to protect both of you..."

"Probably off selling stolen goods." Ginny muttered darkly.

"Shh!" Lacey hissed. "It's getting good!"

I shot her a withering look. "Sorry." Lacey muttered.

"--Well we've told him not to leave his Uncle's, but that will be hard." Mrs Weasley said anxiously. "He's worried enough about Rory as it is."

"We need to get him now!" Sirius shouted. "This is what I've been telling you all this summer!"

"We need to wait until Dumbledore gets here." Remus said firmly. "I want him here as much as you, but--"

We never found out what Remus was about to say, because the kitchen door opened, revealing Mrs Weasley's angry face.

"Abort mission!" Fred hissed, "Scatter!"

Gennie grabbed a bowl of food in one hand, and grabbed my hand in her free one. She dragged me down the corridor, and I noticed everybody else was also scattering from Mrs Weasley's rage.

But a twisting feeling of anxiety was in my gut. Harry had been attacked by dementors the day I ran away from him. How angry was he going to be when he arrived?

* * *

Three days passed in a hazy blur of flashbacks and trying to get back to normal. The order were planning to get Harry, but in my opinion they were taking way too long.

Why couldn't Remus just pick Harry up and apparate him here? But no, they had decided to take a whole guard of people to get Harry.

I was walking up the stairs, when I heard my name being called from a lower flight of stairs. I peered my head over the banister to see Sirius.

"They've gone off to get Harry now." Sirius said, sounding quite irritated. "Thought you should know."

"They didn't tell me." I said, feeling hurt. "Did they tell you?"

"Yup." Sirius grumbled, walking up the stairs to meet me. "Apparently being a godfather isn't a good enough reason to be part of the guard."

"So nobody thought of asking me?"

"I campaigned for you to go," Sirius raised his hands in defence. "Have a familiar face for him--and he'll know you're fine. But Mad-Eye said it would be too risky."

"Right." I said. "I'll go tell the others then."

"See you, kid." Sirius said with a smile, and headed back down the stairs--no doubt back to Buckbeak.

I'd spent a bit of time with Buckbeak over the last couple of days once I learnt he was here. Sirius refused to let him go, and I was fully behind this motion. I loved Buckbeak--everybody did to be honest.

I quickly navigated my way to Ron's room, and barged in like I usually did. Ron was sat on the floor, Hermione on the bed.

"Hey." I said, sitting on the bed next to Hermione. "They've gone to get Harry now."

Obliviate My Rebellion {Book 3}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora