Suddenly, a thought comes into my mind and I know I have to act quick if I think this can work.

"Malachi, how much longer does Tara have?" I ask quickly and quietly.

He looks down at me questionably. "Why?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Just tell me, I need a time frame."

His whole demeanor engulfs in defeat. "I'll say about twenty minutes. She's in the last stages of her symptom completely killing her."

I nod and start to charge down the hall to the stairs, but not until Malachi grabs my wrist and forces my gaze to his.

"Whatever you're planning, it better work," He concludes, his voice hushed and not wanting to interrupt Harry and Tara a few steps away.

He releases my wrist, releasing me to do what I think could possibly save Tara from death.

And I have to find Caleb to do so.

"Malachi, I need your help," I call out to him at the base of the stairs.

Malachi wastes no time jogging to me, as if he already knows that I need his help, and we head up to the lab as fast as our feet can carry us.


"What would you say if I had a Protector here in the compound with the formula flowing through his veins as we speak?" I ask Malachi en route to the lab.

"I-I.. wait, a Protector?" He questions like he didn't hear me the first time.

I nod, my breathing becoming uneven with how fast we're running. "Could that formula save Tara with how little time we have?" I ask him back.

When the lab comes into view, Malachi slows down before we enter.

"We would need to analyze his blood sample and pray that the formula that worked for your Protector works for Tara," He thinks out loud. "Their blood types have to be compatible for long lasting effects."

I hear a rustle in my bedroom and the sound of water running, and I can only think of one person at this hour making himself comfortable in my quarters.

"Wait... you want to do a transfusion?" Malachi asks, breaking my attention from my bedroom door.

"Do you have any other ideas? We have a Protector here!" I exclaim.

Malachi gives me a quick nod before opening up the lab and rushing in, urgency fueling his motions. Urgency fuels mine as well as I jog to my room and burst the door open, looking for any sign of Caleb.

I slam open my bathroom door to find Caleb shirtless and alarmed with a toothbrush in his mouth. I don't bother to tell him anything and drag him out of my room by his arm, and waste no time throwing him into the lab.

He spits out his toothbrush onto the floor and wipes the foam from the corners of his mouth. "Earth to Serena, what the fuck is going on?"

"Caleb, what is your blood type?" I ask him hurriedly. We can't waste any time.

I look at the nearest clock. Fifteen minutes left.

Caleb scratches his head in thought. "Um... O negative, I believe. Why? Who is this guy?" He asks, pointing at Malachi prepping for blood work.

"Caleb, hold out your arm," I command, ignoring his question. I don't even bother pulling on a pair of gloves for the extraction.

I attempt not to look at his physique while I am bringing his vein to the surface, revealing toned abs and chiseled muscles in the process. I quickly cleanse the area with alcohol and allow Malachi to insert the syringe, more precision on his end than me.

DEVIANT [H.S.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें