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"You bloody what?"

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips. "Language, Mr. Weasley. You heard correctly. To assist with the rebuilding process, Ministry officials will be permanently situated on Hogwarts grounds for the duration of the school year."

Hermione and Ron shot each other a worried look, but Harry just stared straight ahead at the back of Professor McGonagall's office, his face blank. The portraits of past Headmasters gazed down on them all sternly, but were oddly quiet. Dumbledore was absent.

"With all due respect, Professor," Ron continued, a horrified expression on his face. "She's not a Ministry Official. She's a toad."

There was the faintest twitch at the corner of Professor McGonagall's lips, but that was all. She cleared her throat. "A little unoriginal, don't you think, Mr. Weasley?"

Ron gave a surprised snort.

Hermione frowned. "Don't you think you're down-playing the situation a little, Professor?" she asked cautiously. "You remember what she did to Harry, don't you?"

"Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall said, her tone softening despite the harsh lines on her face. "My memory is as flawless as it ever was. I regret to advise you that we have no choice. If I may be frank, although the Ministry has not said it in as many words, it is clear to us here at Hogwarts that they feel this move is not only necessary, but essential to ensuring they regain control over the people they failed so terribly. We work in partnership with the Ministry, or not at all."

"But it's not the Ministry we're protesting, Professor. It's her, just her." Hermione's voice had turned pleading.

Harry still had not said a word. His eyes were fixated on the portrait of Dumbledore, seemingly mesmerised by the red velvet background in front of which the Professor usually stood.

"I have fought this, Miss Granger. I have lost. That is all there is to the matter." Professor McGonagall stood up; a clear signal that the meeting was over. She paused, seeming to deliberate over one final piece of information. "There will be an inquiry," she said as they followed her lead and stood. "It was all I could manage. But do not allow yourselves to hope. It involves one of their own and decisions they have made and defended for years; they will stall."

Hermione pursed her lips together in a frighteningly oblivious imitation of the Headmaster. "Then we'd best speed it up."

At that, Professor McGonagall actually smiled. "I wish you the best of luck."

Harry turned abruptly away from the desk. Hermione and Ron hurried to follow. Just before they slipped out the door, Professor McGonagall spoke quietly to Harry.

"I'm sorry."



In the wake of the fearsome final battle, the like of which has not been seen since the famous duel of Grindelwald and Dumbledore, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is set to be restored to its former glory, with a little help from the Ministry of Magic.

"The Minister is adamant for Hogwarts to receive the care and attention it needs to reinstate itself as a school of excellence," Ministry Representative Dolores Umbridge informs the Daily Prophet. "It will take a little care and attention from all sides, but the Ministry is confident that Hogwarts can be rebuilt."

Plans include the addition of "rebuilding sessions" to the students' schedules, so that the rebuilding workload may be shared amongst all affected parties.

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