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"Doctor!" Rose shouted to her best friend, who was in the TARDIS.

"What is it?" The Doctor replied, running down the corridor. He was silenced at the sight.

"Tell me, Doctor. What's this thing?" She asked with twisting curiosity.

"Well, by the looks of it, and the lack of sound plus the non-fractal parallels to this and a wormhole, I'd have to say... I haven't the slightest clue, Rose." He turned to his companion with an adventurous and cheeky grin.

"Dangerous?" She shuffled on the spot slightly, her own smile creeping on to her face.

"What's life without danger?" He stepped forwards, picked up a bit of old debris from the floor, and chucked it in. They both listened closely. The Doctor nodded. "I know the air's breathable. Gravity's similar. It's... It's very similar to Earth!" He turned to Rose. "Should we check it out? "

Rose's smile was beaming now. "Of course!" She chuckled to him, before they linked arms and cautiously stepped through the portal.


John checked his phone. One new message. "Sherlock, we have a case."

Sherlock put the tooth he was chipping at down and picked up the phone from John's hand.

'Two people reported missing in building. Sent address through email. Check it out.'

Lestrade was often quick on the case, and knew when the right one for Sherlock came up. He usually just left the solving area to the duo - Sherlock and John.

"Will you take it?" John asked his colleague.

"I'm incredibly bored, John; I haven't had a case in hours. What the hell do you think?" Sherlock snapped. "Get your coat." He continued in a completely different tone of voice.


The dusty old building was slow slowly creaking, and seemed as though it was going to fall down on top of John and Sherlock if either one of them did so much as sneeze. John roamed through the halls until he came across a blue box. Sherlock was coming behind him.

"Police public call box?" John read out. "Isn't that one of those-"

"Telephone box from the fifties. No idea what it's doing here." Sherlock said.

"I'll check inside." John looked back at his friend before trying the box. Locked.

"You stay with that, I'll look around. Try to get it open, and try not to get killed." Sherlock muttered in ignorance.

Sherlock went further down the corridor. He saw a purple glow coming from around the corner, so quickened his pace and carefully turned into a bare room. Well, bare minus the glowing structure in the middle of the room.

"What on earth...?" Sherlock asked himself, before stepping closer, closer, closer, into the portal.

John turned around. He was sure he'd heard a shout. Not Sherlock's; someone else's, a girl. It came from the room Sherlock had gone into. So, John investigated that room too. When he got there, there was nothing but a swirling, purple... thing. John didn't understand. He edged towards the unidentified object, and put his hand in it. He was sucked in.


"And four people have been pronounced missing with no place they could've gone." Dean finished. "Come on, let's make the most of this vacation." He said to his brother.

"I don't know, man, it doesn't seem like much of a case." Sam replied.

"Okay, how about this: When the police investigated, they found a mysterious portal." Dean bargained with a mouthful of food. Sam's head lifted.

"Really?" He asked.


"Fine, let's go." Sam got out his wallet and paid for their meals in the café before following his brother into their car.


"Do you smell anything?" Sam asked. Dean sniffed.

"Nope. No sulfur. No anything, except a foul smell of damp." He coughed.

Sam smiled, before walking into a room. They'd already checked out the police box, which proved unbreakable and useless. Now they were standing in front of the swirling vortex that had lost four people.

"Ladies first, Sammy." Dean teased to his younger brother. Sam cast a wary glance at Dean, before holding his breath and stepping in.

At first he was falling. it seemed like he'd been falling for a millennium, and his head ached from the confusing tunnel he slowly catapulted down. He saw a green floor, a floor which was getting larger and larger as he fell further and further. He looked up and saw his brother twenty metres or so above him. He snapped back to the floor, which he was about to splat on to, and closed his eyes. He'd died before, and accepted it, so leaving the living world didn't scare him anymore. Just as his body was a metre above the grass, he halted. He stopped, just in the middle of the air. He saw Dean do the same next to him, and was incredibly confused when a man with spiky hair and a long coat came and greeted them with a grin. They slowly floated on to their feet.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor!" He smiled.

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