Chapter 3

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Elisabeth's POV

"OMG!! It's Ryland Lynch!!" He's standing at our door with his family. "Come on Bella. Lets go answer the door." We race downstairs to answer it, I get there first.

"Hi, I'm your new neighbor Stormie Lynch. That's my husband Mark, and our kids." Stormie smiles warmly. "Wait, you guys are our neighbors?!" Bella asks in disbelief. "Yeah we are. I'm Rocky." Rocky reaches out to shake Bella's hand. She shakes it a squeals.

"We're huge fans." I inform them. "Really?! Which one of us is your favorite?" Ross asks.

"Well, I'm a Ryland girl. But Bella over there is a Rocky girl." Ryland smiles at me, "Y'know not many fans fall for me." I blush. "I guess I've got an eye for attractive people." Ryland shakes my hand and steps back.

"Well girls, you are invited over for dinner tonight at our house. Does 7 work?" Mark asks. We nod. "Okay, see you then. It was nice meeting you." Rydel says politely.

Riker closes the door and waves. I start screaming. "THE LYNCHES ARE OUR NEIGHBORS!!" I sing dancing around, Bella does the same. Mom comes downstairs. "Who are our neighbors?"

"R5!!" I tell her. "We're invited over for dinner at 7. Can we go?" Bella begs. "I don't see why not!" Mom says walking into the kitchen again.

"Bella, maybe we should find decent clothes to wear." I suggest skipping up the stairs.

We head into my room first. "Okay, red right?" I nod, as we begin searching for a decent outfit featuring red.

Bella and I scrounge through my entire closet before finally deciding upon red skinny jeans, and black long sleeve shirt with a red lace vest. I picked out some black flats, with gold studs. I admire it then swiftly move to Bella's room to help her.

"Green." She states, I nod. We find some green shorts, and a black tank top. She selects her bright green converses and calls it good.

We walk to her bed and sit down. "Bella, do you think it's fate that the Lynches are our neighbours?"

"Yeah I do! I mean maybe it's our chance to be more than a fan." She says smiling slightly.

"Hey, we have time to watch TBM." I state. Bella grabs it and fumbles to put it in the DVD player. Finally, she gets it in.

We sit down and begin to watch the movie for the 1,000th time.

"SSSSSH! I love this part!" Bella shushes me as her favorite part comes on.

"I'm deathly afraid of lighthouses." Butchy says scared. "Don't worry. We're all with you." SeaCat encourages him. "Y'know, I'm not that scared anymore!" Butchy proclaims as everybody runs towards the lighthouse.

"Ah, that part gets me every time!" Bella says wiping away tears. "I know!!"

We finish up the movie, fangirling when Ross takes his shirt off. We finish it up and walk downstairs.

"Mom, we're going to the Lynches place. Not sure when we'll be back." Bella says as we enter the kitchen.

"Okay, have fun! Wear your earpieces. Love you!" She directs is as we walk to the door.

"Okay, we've got them in!" I assure her and walk outside. "Which house is theirs again?" I ask Bella as we cross the street.

"That one," she says pointing out a large grey house. We walk up and knock on the door. Ratliff answers.

"Hello, who might you be?" He asks grinning dorkily. "We're Elisabeth and Bella. Stormie invited us over."

"Well I didn't know that come on in Elisabeth and Bella." He says allowing us inside.

"By the way, I'm Ratliff. I hang out here all the time." He informs us. "We know, we're fans!" I tell him. "Oh okay. And are you Bella?" He asks unsure.

"No, I'm Elisabeth." He frowns, "Oh sorry."

"RATLIFF WHO WAS AT THE DOOR?" A voice I quickly match to Riker asks from upstairs.

"Elisabeth and Bella." He yells back up. "Okay, tell mom!" Riker yells back down.

We follow Ell into the kitchen. "Momma Stormie, Elisabeth and Bella are here."

"Okay. Hi girls, dinner will be ready soon. Feel free to go upstairs and find the kids." She says wiping her hands on her apron.

"Okay, thank you so much!" Bella says and we walk upstairs.

We open the first door we see. Riker is shirtless zipping up his jeans. "Geez, don't you know how to knock." He snaps. "Sorry!" I quickly apologize.

He looks up and sees Bella and I. "Oh sorry, thought you were Rydel." He says his cheeks slightly red. "Don't sweat it!" Bella says. Riker grabs a shirt a pulls it on.

"You can come in if you'd like." He says chuckling. We laugh and walk in.

"So where's Rocky?" Bella immediately asks. "I'm right here!" Rocky says walking into the room.

"Oh gosh Rocky you scared me!" Bella says. "Sorry, Bel." He apologizes.

"Riker, where's Ryland's room?"

Down the hall, third door on the left." I fist bump him and walk down the hall.

I knock on the door. "Who is it?" Ross asks from inside. "Elisabeth."


"Elisabeth, your neighbor. Is Ryland in there?" Ross answers the door. "C'mon in." He says pulling me inside.

"Hi Liz." Ryland says from his bed. "Where's Bella?" Ross asks me.

"Bella is in Riker and Rocky's room. And hi Ryland." He waves at me.

"Kids! Dinner!" Stormie yells up the stairs. We all run towards the stairs.

Stormie has lasagna and garlic bread waiting for us. We all sit down.

I sit next to Ryland, who sits next to Ross. Next to Ross is Rocky, and Bella sits next to him. Rydel sits next to Bella, Riker sits next to her, Stormie and Mark next. Finally, Ratliff sits by me.

"Momma Stormie this sure looks good!" Ratliff says grabbing a fork. "Riker, why don't you get drinks for everybody." Mark says.

Riker gets up and brings everybody some iced tea. "Thanks Rik!" I say as he gives me a cup.

We all laugh and share stories as we eat. This was the best dinner ever!

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