Your P.O.V

I am now here. Standing infront of the class ...

"P-p-please introduce yourself..." The teacher stammered.

Tss. Oh sure. Of course she was also frightened. And I smirked over that.

That's nice. Great thing. Actually.

But...introduce myself?? Are they even interested? Because they were just whispering gossips with everyone.

And here goes what they say of some that I've heard.

"Gosh she's so creepy. Like a ghost!"

"Yeah.. And she's so ugly... >_

"I bet her name is Ms. Creepy Ugly! *giggles*"

"Yes. Let's call her that!"

PERFECT. Just Perfect.

"Call me Elle if you want. And I don't want to be friend with anyone among you. Distamce.yourselves because I eat humams...." I said frankly. That's right. I don't wanna be friends with anyone.

"Kyaaaaaaahhhh!!" They screamed

Sometimes I hate how girls react with my sinister acts. Screeching as though I am that creepy. Tss.

"O-okay.. You can have a seat...." The teacher said her voice was shaking perfectly it's nice to the ears.

"Perfect." I whispered giggling the horrific way.

So I pulled the vacant seat from front to the back of this room. Where I find sanctuary.



It was already breaktime and Sehun was alone. He wanted to visit his girlfriend, Trixie but she told him not to because she's going to practice piano in the music club. She thought he'll be just bored if he went to visit her.

So Sehun planned to start finding out where the girl named 'ELLE' could be.

"But... Where should I start?? This school is just too wide .." He told himself.

In his wandering in school's field, he saw Kai. And he thought luck was showing itself. He only saw what he needs the most in his current situation. The school's so called 'Human Navigation'. They call him Kaivigation. He knows almost every corner of the five hectares school. He wasn't doing anything but to wander like a wandering soul.

Sehun started to approach him.

"Yo.. Kaivigation..." Sehun patted Kai's shoulder.

"-_- whut?!?" Kai responded quickly and firmly like pikachu's thunderbolt.

"Cool your head master.I need your help. Do you know the place where  I can find the probably creepiest girl you've ever seen?? " Sehun asked Kai.

"-_- Ow... That crazy ghost student?" Kai again responded with a monotone voice.

"You saw her?? O.O"

" -_- Ten minutes ago I saw her running like an idiot after a black cat heading behind building A. Exactly 300 meters away from here."


"H-how did you know? That's..... amazing." But I sighed. That's quite far. ~T_T~

"-_- Look here Sese.... Kaivigationiyeyo.. O.O She's here.. Ruuun!!!!

O.O Huh??

"Kaaaaaaaiiiii!!!!!! >>:O"

I looked behind and saw Ms. SC President running and she's after Kai.... -_- What did that guy do again...


At the back of the building A?


Your P.O.V

Breaktime.. And I'm searching for a nice place to hide.. Oh.. This side.  This part of this school is silent. No one's here...

O.O omo....

A cat??? A black cat?!?!

"Come here kitty...." I fiddled my fingers at the cat.


I think I scared her.. She ran away.. And so I followed her.  She ran behind a building... I ran after her but... I lost her because of this man writing something on the wall...  He looked at me...

O.O ...

A beautiful creature!! Stay away!!!! (>_

He stopped what he's doing.

" -_- New student.. Psh.." He coldly said. Emotionless. And then walked out.

I sighed. That's a relief. I really can't be with those kinds of human. Are they even humans? They are monsters!!!

Okay. So I'm again alone now. ╰_╯ Now where's that cat?

I looked at the bushes ... And I saw one moving.. Oh. There you are. I evil-grinned in happiness.

"Come here you scaredy cat.." I said making my voice be creepier.

And then I walked near the bush and searched for the cat in it. It suddenly disappeared!

"Where are you?!? Where are you you damned cat!" I grumbled silently. This cat is pissing me off!

I didn't give up. And now half of my body was already in the bushes.

"Meeeow~~" I heard the cat meowed now sweetly. O.O It came from behind me.

I pulled myself out of the bush and sat down... But instead of a cat.. I saw a shoes.. A shining black shoes..

I gazed up to see who's this man standing in front of me..

O////////O . What the!!! The's the cat!! And... wait.... This is the man with a pink hair earlier!! Hell no!! My nose!! Please don't bleed! He's just soo.... sooo beautiful!!  My eyes can't contain the light coming from him!

And then I was bloody shocked when he suddenly bent down his single knee on the ground, carrying the cat in his hands on the other side of his knee, then offered his free hand for a handshake. I winced.

What the hell does he think he's doing right now?!

"I'm Sehun. Can we be friends?" He smiled and the light became stronger.

( ° △ °|||)︴MY NOSE!! (x ㅠ x)


Vote juseyo~~~ ^_^

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