A Dark Responsibility

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Unable to keep his hand still, he let it skim down her cheek, feeling her soft skin brush against his knuckles like silk.

"It isn't real, you know." Hermione's broken voice was a soft whisper in the silence. She was watching him, her eyes riveted to his face as he caressed her. Their gazes met, held, and her honey eyes sparkled in the darkness. "It's just a spell."

The words didn't stop Draco from touching her, though he knew that was their intent. Instead, he continued to stroke her, combing through her hair with his fingers, letting the silken texture sooth all the nerves inside of him, inside of her. There were no words to take away the pain, the past, no way to undo what had been done. All he could do was hold her close, letting his touch reassure her that she would be okay. That, finally, she would be safe.

"You shouldn't feel sorry for me," she whispered, mistaking the dark emotion in his silver eyes for pity. She looked away from him, her gaze traveling to her hands, her forearms, saddening at the hidden scars. "I did most of it to myself."

Draco shook his head. "No you didn't," he told her quietly, putting his finger under her chin, tilting her gaze back up to his. "Not really."

There was silence, and then Hermione was smiling a soft, tired smile. "You must be cold," she said after a moment. She scooted herself over, one inch, two, leaving just enough space for another body inside the bed. Slowly, she pulled the covers back. "Here—get in."

Draco stayed where he was, staring at the new space with a frown, his willpower warring with his desires. Blaise was right. This was dangerous—and it was becoming more and more hazardous with each passing second. Before, he had used convenience as justification to stay the night with her. But now there were no words, no excuses to hide behind.

She was letting him in, not understanding the peril. How could he get into the bed, knowing that he wasn't just bringing himself, but a world of darkness, too? How could he sleep by her side, with her in his arms, knowing no matter how innocently he held her, he would never be innocent. Knowing it could never be harmless.

But how could he not, when she was right there in front of him, her eyes bright with hope. How could he deny her… or himself?

"You don't have to," she whispered, misreading his hesitance.

But he wanted to. More than anything, he wanted her, to sleep innocently beside her, to hold her close. But there was more to think about than wants and desires. There was more to consider than this one desperate wish. He had to protect her, whatever the cost.

Even if the cost was his last chance at happiness. Even if the person he had to protect her from was himself.

"I shouldn't," he said finally, his voice low.

Hermione smiled quizzically, not understanding. "I thought that falling asleep wasn't against the law," she said softly. "Isn't that what you told me?"

Draco shrugged, looked to the darkened curtain so he wouldn't have to meet her gaze. "You were right. With us it is."

"Maybe." She shook her head, her eyes turning curious. "I thought the infamous Draco Malfoy didn't acknowledge laws or limits," she said quietly. Draco's jaw tightened. "I thought you liked to break the rules." When he didn't answer, she smiled. "Suddenly scared to take a chance, Malfoy?"

With you? Terrified. But he didn't say it.

Hermione looked away, staring at something across the room. "I am, too, you know," she said after a long moment.

Saving You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora