Midnight. Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

I looked towards the park again and realised it was empty.

What the hell. right? I need to get my mind off things and going home to my mother won't help at all, because if she knows about Johannah we're going to be crying all night long. If she doesn't, I'm going to have to tell her and we'll still end up crying all night.

I walked into the park and sat on the small red swing. The chains loudly creaked as I swung back and forth, back and forth slowly.

Then I heard the hissing noise again, but this time louder. I turned my head left and right looking for the source of the sound. Maybe a cat, or probably just a tree making the noise with it's leaves. I squinted my eyes a little looking to the left and spotted the woods.

I got up off of the swing set and slowly walked towards the trees.

The hissing repeated it self and was heard more loudly as I approached the woods.

I stopped in front of the path that led to the inside of the woods.

I don't know why I'm here, I suddenly go from the bakery, to a bar, to the woods.

It's like this noise, the hissing noise, feels like a magnet and I'm just being " forced" to find the cause of the noise.

I heard a few twigs snap behind me and I quickly turned to see who or what was there.


I heard another twig snap but this time the source came from inside the woods.

I really hope it's a cat. I sighed and made my way into the woods, following the small dirt trail.

I think this day just got worse.

*Harry's P.O.V*

After Bo left me to talk to Louis, we've been walking around Holmes Chapel in silence for about five minutes.

I felt my phone in my pocket vibrate, I took it out my pocket and realised I go a new text.

From: Girl Next door

I'm going to the bar instead of Starbucks, just in case you're wondering.

I frowned, why is she going to a bar?

I nudged Lou's shoulder and showed him the message.

"Who is 'Girl Next Door'?" He asked frowning.

"Bo." I chuckled. When I put her number into my phone I didn't know her name. All I knew was that she was a cute girl that had mocha coloured eyes, and she lived in front of my house.

Now that I think about she's in front of my house not next door. I gotta change that.

"Oh no, fuck no! She is not going to a bar!" Louis frowned.

"Calm down mate, I'll tell her not to. "

To: Girl Next Door

Why in the hell are you going to a bar, just stay out at the Starbucks. I'll pick you up in about ten more minutes.

"Great, just great. My mom's fucking dead, and my best friend wants to get wasted. Best day of my fucking life, that's for fucking sure." Louis cursed.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"Fuck no, so piss off asshole." He mumbled.

my mouth formed into an 'o' shape and I lifted my hands up in surrender.

"Hey, if you don't wanna talk about, we won't talk about it." I shrugged.

I won't force him to talk, he'll do it when he's ready and-

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