What Would Happen If...?

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What would happen if...?

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What would happen if...there was no moon?

It was 2021 when the first wave left the earth. The earth was degrading and it was all our fault. The earth had been slowly dying for thousands of years, but we were the ones to finally tip it over the edge. China saw it coming, so did Russia. They started a confidential project, completely off the books – they were preparing for life on another planet. The main action that pushed us over the edge was the presidency of Donald Trump. The way he talked about the media was detestable, as for Muslims, he disgraced the whole country. Who knew such an idiotic man could be appointed to rule an entire nation. I had to play it cool of course, it was my job; to go along with everything that was addressed to me, no matter my agreeance to the subject. Countries became distant from ours, each time one refused to cooperate with whatever he was discussing, they'd be called out on the media and American citizens would no longer like that country due to the way Mr Trump manipulated his words. World war three was brewing as riots grew throughout the streets. Mr Trump began to have an exceptional distaste to North Korea and how their president, Kim Jong-un, treated him. He begun with empty threats towards them, then due to their unwillingness to comply, he dropped a small bomb on a small town. Of course, this got North Korea's attention, Russia's too. Vladimir Putin addressed his country about the disgraces of Trump's actions and expressed how repulsed he was by his actions. Everyone started pointing fingers at each other and forming sides. Each representative of each country begun to argue about who's the better ruler; they fought for power over each other. Citizens were ignored and the streets grew wild. Many bombs followed the first, most nuclear and more destructive than Little Boy and Fat Man ever were. We had destroyed the earth. Resources were crumbling and at catastrophic levels.

Once full destruction had ceased, there was nothing left to destroy and a truce was made. That confidential project that China was working was torn out from behind the curtains and a spotlight shone on it; containment modules to migrate to the moon. They revealed all their research on gravitational forces and their solution to overcome the difficulties, admitting that they had a large team preparing for civilisation. Everyone agreed that china had saved the human race and celebrated in their honour. The modules took 10,000 people each time; starting with engineers, architectures and horticulturists. Once their job was done, the official waves to migrate to the moon commences, and of course, President Trump was one of the first to put his hand up to leave the planet he destroyed. As each wave left, the earth felt more peaceful and under less pressure. There were lots of people which were sceptical about leaving the planet, but most of them eventually left as well because they couldn't bare what was left of our earth.

I wish I could say that civilisation on another was a complete success and that we should've done it ages ago to let the earth rejuvenate before we came, but I cannot speak for those who experienced something I did not. I chose to not be part of any waves, but instead to stay and help the earth get back onto its feet. At first it was hard to find somewhere where the radiation wouldn't kill both me and the plants, but eventually I found an untouched piece of land to start a farm on with only a few supplies of a pile of canned food, a couple of tarpaulins, a rifle, 10 bullets and my rusty Holden ute. I started out living in my car, tending to nature was my first priority. Eventually, my seedlings turned into shrubs and finally into trees. They reproduced all throughout the land with the aid of my waste acting as a fertiliser. As soon as my canned food ran out, fruits and vegetables were blossoming. I collected water in the back of my rusty ute, lined with a sheet of tarpaulin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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