A Sliver of Demonic Presences

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The Madison family wanted to start a new life in the town of Adrian in the small state of Rhode Island. They pulled the cheap, blue mini van into the gravel driveway. "This is it" Tom said. He knew that getting to start a new life with his wife and kids was going to help them forget the "incident". Kylie, Tom's wife, was still in the car, looking at the house. It was a two-story house with a front porch and a nice big window in the front. That window let sunlight in all through the morning. It lit up the dining room and pushed rays of light through the double doorway into the kitchen. Another doorway led to the main hall, that had a nice staircase and another double door entrance into the enormous living room. Kylie turned in her seat and looked back. Two young girls, Savannah and Tara, were squirming in their seats. Caleb, who was turning 10 was in the back fidgeting with the action figures he packed. " This house is going to be a fresh start for all of us. I know what happened back in Boston and I know it's rough, but we now live here and we are going to start new okay?" Kylie looked reassuringly at the three kids. They all nodded. They all jumped when there was a bang on the window. It was Tom. He said,"Let's go check it out." They all got out. Savannah was 8 and Tara was 12. The chocolate lab jumped from the trunk and ran around the yard. The kids moved towards the house. Everyone stepped into the hall and stood in awe as the full work of the sunlight was perfectly caressing the walls. The dog however began to shy away from the door. Savannah called the dog sweetly but the dog refused to walk in. The dad shoved the dog and closed the door. The dog tucked its tail and ran to the couch where it hid nervously. Tara and Caleb took the steps two at a time and raced to call dibs on rooms before the mover men got there. Savannah however felt oddly attracted to a door at the far end of the upstairs corridor. Savannah grabbed the handle and began to turn the knob. Then all of the sudden, there was a loud scream. They all ran to find Tara pointing at a dead rat in the corner of her room. Tom disposed of it and they continued to wait for the mover men. The night time creeped up on the family and they went to bed. Savannah had never had troubles sleeping. But now she began hearing whispering and she was the only one awake. She crept out of her room and saw a figure at the end of the hall. The figure had dark red eyes and it was a shadowy person. Its arms were at least as big Savannah was and it was hunched. Its fingers wrapped around the door handle and turned it. Savannah, trying to stifle a scream, watched as the figure abruptly stopped and turned its head Savannah's direction. She ran to her bed and threw the covers over herself. She pulled them down slowly, surveying the scene of the dark, spacious room. She looked left, noticing the lamp, the dresser, and her teddy bear. The teddy however was not the way she put it. It's head was now 90 degrees in the wrong direction. She gasped and began to scream but the figure grabbed her neck. " An offering, HE WILL BE MOST PLEASED!" It said. Savannah felt the figure disappearing and Savannah fell to the floor and passed out.

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