Hermione turned to Fred and asked, "Will you guys be okay if I head out? I don't want to leave you short handed."

"Yes, go do what you have to do and I'll see you back at the flat in a few hours." Fred leaned down and kissed her.

"Enough of that! Back to work," George called as he rushed passed to the stockroom.

"Escape now, while you still can," Fred whispered against Hermione's lips. He kissed her once more and summoned her purse from the back. She gave a quick wave to Ginny and Angelina before hurrying out the front door. Fred turned to Ginny and mimicked Hermione's worried expression. "Are you positive it's just the Braxton Hickey things again?"

"Braxton Hicks, and yes, I'm quite positive," Ginny reassured.

"What percentage positive are we talking about here?" Fred asked, grabbing some parchment and quill to start on his SOLD OUT sign. "One-hundred? High nineties?"

"Shut it and get back to work," Ginny scolded.

After the SOLD OUT sign was posted on the front door, business slowed down almost instantly. Angelina was able to leave in order to start getting ready for the party that evening, allowing the twins to have a rare patch of time alone with their sister. The three sat around joking, reminiscing, and indulging in a stash of sweets from the backroom. As soon as the clock ticked over to six o'clock, George locked the door and turned out the lights.

"I don't care how dirty this place is or understocked the shelves are, we're out!" George declared. Fred smirked at his brother. Usually it was himself who was trying to put off the tedious process of closing up shop. George caught the look Fred's face and shrugged. "We'll sort it all out when we're back in two days."

The boys made sure Ginny safely flooed to the Burrow before George climbed the stairs to his flat and Fred flooed back to his own. As he stepped out of the hearth, he could hear Hermione singing in the bathroom.

"Sugar, ah honey honey. You are my candy girl, and you've got me wanting you," her voice rang out from behind the door. Fred gave a quick knock on the door and her singing immediately halted, though the music played on. "Fred? Is that you?" Hermione called.

"Yeah, just got home. Any chance I can use the shower soon?"

"Um, yeah, just....just a second." Fred heard some clattering and the music was suddenly shut off. "Before I open the door, I feel I need to warn you. I was a bit impulsive today."

"Okay," Fred said slowly, narrowing his eyes at the door. "That's not at all worrying for your boyfriend to hear. What did you do?"

He could hear Hermione take a deep breath and the doorknob slowly turned. The door creaked open and Hermione stepped into view. She was wrapped up in a towel, but instead of her long, chestnut curls flowing over her shoulders, they came to abrupt stop just below her chin. She was gingerly fingering a shortened ringlet, nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

"I passed the salon, after picking up my dress, and felt the sudden urge for a change," Hermione started explaining. "Once the stylist started snipping, I just sort of let her go. Do you like it? If you think it's too short, I can always put a lengthening charm-"

Fred cut her off with a kiss. She let her hand fall from her hair to his chest. As he broke the kiss, his hands caressed her now bare neck and declared, "You could shave off every strand of hair and charm your skin blue. I'd still think you're the most gorgeous witch on the planet."

Hermione grinned and ran her hand through her shortened curls. "I've never had my hair this short before. I keep feeling like something is missing."

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