Misadventures #2

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A lot of adventure was already done. Maggi in the lab, the blast, sneaking out to the canteen backyard to eat Maggi. The next job was to reach their class safely. It was decided that they'll say that Sona had fainted near the canteen. Sona was not ready to lie. So, it was better to say that she fainted & didn't remember anything.

There were two ways to reach their class but for both of them they had to cross Lady Bacchan's room. They prayed that she should not be in the room but maybe God was also taking his afternoon siesta because in her room Lady Bacchan was sitting or wait she was doing something weird. From her room's window she could be seen running about the room shouting "Gotcha!Gotcha"

Sona: What is she doing?

Elena: I guess... she is ... playing Pokémon Go!

Jatin: At this age! We'll have to go very quietly near her room & that too individually. When you reach near her window bend down & crawl. Once you reach there wait for the others to come. Got it?

Everyone: Ay Ay Captain

One by one everyone did as Jatin ordered.

Now it was Sona's turn. She walked as quietly as possible, she bend down near the window & began crawling but luck was seriously not with her that day. In an attempt to catch her Pokémon Lady Bacchan came too close to the window & she saw Sona.

Lady Bacchan(LB): Good Afternoon young lady! Will you mind coming in for some explaination.

Sona closed her eyes. "Mar gayi" was all she could think. Hanging her head low in shame she  went inside her room.

LB: Will you have some tea?

Sona: No. I don't drink tea

LB: Good,good. Will you eat something? I am ordering sandwiches for myself

Sona: No ma'am. I'm full.

LB: Have something. That'll help you kill time.

Sona: Kill time?

LB: Yes till I type a detention letter & send it to do the head office.

Sona: Detention?

LB: Yes what were you doing outside? Playing hide & seek with rats.

Sona: There are rats in the school! Isshhh ... I never wanted to come to Delhi... You know ma'am in my Kolkata...

LB: Shut Up! I've caught you red handed trying to sneak past my room. You are being detained Miss ...

Just then our hero made a hero wala entry

Dev: Stop Lad... I mean Sharma Ma'am. It's not Sonakshi's fault. Leave her

LB: Then who is at fault Mr. Dixit?

Dev: I... I wanted to bunk classes... so I told the headboy to give me some duty but I gave my work to Sonakshi.... She ... is ... unwell today .... but I misused my powers as a student council member. ...I'm sorry. ...I am the one who should be detained... not Sonakshi

LB: Very Well then Sonakshi should leave. Well you can stay over tea with me Mr. Dixit while I prepare your detention letter. One more thing ... I was about to use my veto powers to get you selected as the next headboy but I will have to think about it again...

Dev was about to cry hearing the last sentence but he controlled his emotions. Sona was frozen at her seat. She was blankly staring Dev.

LB: Miss Sonakshi. I know you would like to see your culprit be punished but you should leave

Sona: Ma'am actually


Sonakshi left the room with her held down in guilt

After the school, Dev went into the room where he had to spend the next few hours.

Dev: Chal beta Dev! Ye bhi kar le.

He entered the room but seeing the sitting arrangement he got confused.

Dev: This is strange. Why are there 5 seats kept? I was told that only I'll be staying back. Lagta hai Lady bacchan lady ghajni ban gayi hai.

Suddenly, Dev heard a knock at the door.

Jatin: Hey Dude! Are we invited?

Jatin,Elena,Vicky & Sona were standing at the door with their detention slips in their hands.

Vicky: We've owned up.

Elena: Sona forced us... Rather... gave us the courage to.

Dev looked at Sona. She passed a faint smile.

Dev: Did you tell about Yammu Ma'am ?

Jatin: No, it could have cost her job.

Sona: This was also Sona's idea.

Dev: Thanks everyone. (His gaze was fixed at Sona)

Elena: You don't need to. Now that we've bunked together & have been detained together we are friends right?

Jatin: Yes...

Vicky: This was the weirdest way to become friends though.

Dev: Koi na Vicky! Aam kha guthlia mat gin

The detention actually became a fun stay back. The newly made friends were laughing remembering the day's incidents, from the fight to the lab adventure, sneaking beneath lady bacchan's room. In all of this there was someone who was sitting quietly, not even speaking a word. Sonakshi was sitting with her head held down in guilt.


The detention got over. Elena took a rickshaw to the nearest metro station, Vicky & Jatin left for their tuition. Only Dev & Sonakshi were left.

Dev: I'll drop you Sonakshi.

Sona just nodded in affirmation.

A kid of about 5 came near them

Kid: Bhaiya! Ye rose le lo.

Dev: Iska mai kya karu?

Kid: Bhaiya mai khana khareed lunga. 

Dev: Fine! Kitne ka hai? 

Kid: 20 rupees ka hai

Dev: Yellow rose de de.... Mere paas to change nahi hai. Chal tu 50 rakh le. 

The kid ran happily.

Devakshi took an autorickshaw & headed towards home.





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