Well...Not Anymore: Chapter 23

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That was when I'd told him to leave because I honestly couldn't stand him talking about Nay that way.  

And so the day that I found out they had a date...let's just say that it was not a good one. Not a good one at all. I was miserable the whole fucking time and when she called me because her dad had freaked on her and Drew had bailed, let's just say that I'd been jumping into my car about five seconds later. 

All because that mother fucker hadn't helped her out when she needed it. But I'm really not going to lie here; I'm glad that he bailed on her. I'm glad that he showed his gutless ass-hole side and fled the scene when she needed someone. If he hadn't...well, she wouldn't have called me and we wouldn't be where we are right now. 

Well, where we were this morning when everything was fine and dandy and she was actually letting me be around her. But something has changed that and I need answers or else I'm going to go crazy. 

"What the hell, man?" Drew asks the moment I go up to him and practically slam my hand onto his right shoulder. I don't care if I'm acting too hastily or if I'm going to get into some kind of trouble for doing this. I need to know where the fuck Naomi is and if that evil little smile he shot at me earlier had anything to do with it.  

Trying my absolute hardest not to just seethe at him when I speak-I know how to get answers from people and that is not the way-I demand from him, "Have you seen Naomi at all today?" 

"So that's what this is all about?" Drew asks me with that sick, masochistic grin of is. He's already bid adieu to his chick of the week, so he doesn't have to put off that façade of a good guy thing he always pulls. No, since it's just me and him he's able to show just how much of an ass he truly is. 

And the fact that he basically just admitted to knowing something about Naomi's disappearance...well, it makes my hatred for him increase tenfold. Now I really just want to bring him outside and bang his face against the brick wall until it's nice and battered.  

"Yes," I practically growl in response, surprised that there's not steam coming from my ears or something. "She didn't show to lunch and she's not answering her phone. What happened?" 

The sarcasm rolls off him in waves when he says, "Well I am so very sorry that there's trouble in paradise for the two of you but...I have to get to class. Later man." 

He tries to duck around me and disappear off into the crowd of students, but my arm is far too quick. I reach out and shove his shoulder so that he's back in front of me, able to give me my answers. I'm sick and tired of putting up with his shit. I want my answers and I want them now.  

I want Naomi. 

I get close into his face, the utter rage in my body spilling over without a concern in my mind. I don't care that I'll get suspended for starting this with him, I don't care that my dad will want to have my ass hanging over the fireplace. I honestly don't. I know that, because of this guy, Naomi is not okay and that's not okay with me. At all. 

I was so close to having her trust again, so close. I could just feel her starting to forgive me for that horrid shit I put her through so long ago, and now because of him all of that progress was lost. I'm pissed. If I lose her because of whatever he did, I'm going to kill him.  

I'm practically simmering when I tell him through clenched teeth, "You tell me right now what you said to her, or so help me God..." 

"Lucas?" I hear a scared but pristine voice ask from a few feet away, but I can't bear to look away from the guy that I am one second away from punching the lights out of. The confident look of his has melted away because he knows that I'm stronger than him, that the strength I've gotten from football has his basketball strength whipped. He knows that if I'd like, I could wipe the ground with his "pretty" face. And it's funny to see that pretty face all worried because he knows that he's finally pushed me over the edge. 

Well...Not Anymore.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt