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»Otabek P.O.V«
"Do you still like him?"
"Are you still friends?"
Aliana just had question after question for me as we got into my car.
I rush to drop her off so I can get to the café before Yuri.
How am I going to tell him?
I don't want him to be worried or feel bad, even though he has no reason to. Let's just hope this goes well.
»Yuri P.O.V«
I arrive at the café shortly after I finally persuade my manager to let me meet up with him. Before I walk over to the counter I pull my hood up, hopefully that helps with all the 'fans'. I order a Chai Latte and make my way over to Otabek's table.
'Thats odd' I say to myself as I notice he's tapping his right foot, just like he used to when he was anxious in a competition. Except, he used to tap both feet. I know it's a strange thing to think about, but even though I haven't seen him in so long, it just seems strange.
"How are you?" He says, still tapping his foot. He seems anxious, like there's something he needs to tell me, but doesn't know how.
"Good-" I'll get straight to the point. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I ask hoping I don't sound to irritated or rude. Huh, funny. I usually don't care if I sound rude or not, what happened?
"Actually, yeah there is-" He motions to look down, as he sticks his left leg out from under the table. He pulls up his pant leg to his knee, and what I saw shocked, and confused me. But answered so many questions at the same time. All I can do is gasp and look at the worried expression on his face that seems to say,
'What if he doesn't accept me?'
Does he really think I'd be that low?
"Wow" Is all I can mutter as we both sit up.
"I had a pretty nasty motorcycle accident a while back, some drunk rammed into me. I never found out who he was."
At that point I wanted to hunt that guy down and murder him. Otabek seemed to know what I was thinking, he always does.
"No Yura-" Ah. I remember that nickname, How about we bring Beka back then?-"You will not hunt him down, it's over with."
"Who else knows?" I ask meaning his fans and fellow- ex fellow skaters.
"Just you." He says showing off one of his rare smiles. Wait- just me? I don't know why but, that makes me feel important. I then notice that we're both done with our drinks. I look out the window, 'Damn, how is it already almost sunset?'  The once plain blue sky fades into fiery reds and pastel purples, I can't remember the last time I truly looked at a sunset.
It's nice.
"Want to go get dinner?" He questions with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Sure, Beka."
~Le time skip~
We arrive at this nice looking fancy Italian restaurant, I believe it was caleed the "Crispino's Wine & Dine"
As we walk in I hear a squal and see a man with purple eyes with a very animated look of shick on his face.
"Oh my God Mickey! It's Yuri and Otabek! Cone say hi!" She screams a little to loudly, luckily there's barely anyone in here.
'These 2 look so familiar... Oh! Michele Crispino and Sara Crispino!
Just as soon as he walks over they bothe start flinging question after question at Otabek. I can see his breathing is becoming more rapid and he looks distressed, so I excuse us to the bathroom. I do exactly as he did earlier, except I didn't carry him. But for some reason , there was a couch in the bathroom so I guide him over to it. I kneel down in front of him and hug him. He seems to already be calming down, so I excuse myself.
"Would you please stop bombarding him with questions!" I yell making the twins jump. Then I storm back to the bathroom, grab Otabek and now we're off to go find our seats.
Word Count: 701
I hope this chapter was okay.
        Ciao for now!

My Fan's BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora