K: The Black King ~ 2

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Chapter - 2

"Hey Fuyu!" someone called. Hikari whipped her head around and saw Akira heading towards her. She smiled and regarded him with a slight nod.

"What's up Hidaka? Why the rush?" she asked once he caught up with her.

"I was wondering where you were heading with that thing." He pointed at the cardboard box that Hikari was carrying.

She looked at it for a minute then answered, "I'm heading over to general affairs, since Yoshino-san will know what to do with it."

"What is it exactly?"

"Dunno, never checked." she shrugged.

Akira grinned. "Then why don't you open it?"

She gave him a flat look.


"Why not?"

"I know you're just trying to get me in trouble Hidaka but it's not working. You're not Domyouji-san."

At the mention of his former squad captain's name, Akira cringed.

"Ugh! Alright, whatever Fuyu. You win." he whined childishly. He pouted and dragged his feet for dramatic effect to show her how disappointed he was. Hikari smiled and hit his shoulder with her free hand. He rubbed it absentmindedly and giggled. Soon, both clansmen started laughing, telling other kinds of jokes to lighten up the mood. Once they were done, they stopped at an intersection of hallways.

"Well, this is where I go. See ya Fuyu." Akira said and waved.

"Mm." Hikari nodded then turned right and continued down the corridor.

When she first transferred here, the Sceptre 4 building had seemed enormous to her. The hallways and rooms were neverending and the people were always in such a rush. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of being in an environment that was much too far from her own. Fortunately, Hikari Fuyu was a strong-willed and steadfast person. She strived hard and was able to work her way up into the special unit, ranking right below Saruhiko Fushimi, which alone was quite the accomplishment.

Hikari smiled and pushed open a door. Unlike the Information room, the General Affairs office had a more modern style. There were rows of desks for personnel, each separated by sturdy, plastic and wooden walls; the lights were fluorescent bulbs instead of glass chandeliers; and the decorations weren't all that fancy.

She approached one of the desks infront and rapped her knuckles on the small wall.

"Delivery for Miss Yayoi Yoshino." she announced.

A small woman with big, round spectacles looked up from her work. Yayoi was of average height, 1 inch less than Hikari. She had short brown hair that had grown over the past month. Her office suit was crisply made, a dark blue blazer and skirt with black and gold trimmings.

"Oh Fuyu-san! What is it? Do you have something for me?"

"Yup. The lieutenant wanted me to give this to you."

Hikari handed Yayoi the box who opened it gingerly. Inside were stacks of neatly stapled papers. She looked at it and frowned.

"Why.....these are last year's budget records. I wonder what the lieutenant wants me to do with this."

Hikari shook her head, utterly clueless. "I'm sorry, I don't know exactly. Lieutenant Awashima just told me to hand these to you. Sorry I'm not that much help."

"Oh no, It's alright. I'll just store these in the file room. Thank You." Yayoi boxed up the papers and put it under her desk. 

"You're welcome Yoshino-san.

K: The Black KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz