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A week after I met Isaac and the rest of the cast, we met at the school we were filming in. I was given the script and told to rehearse my lines so I had an idea of what was going on. There's a really nice girl that is playing Sam's friend Angie. Her name is Skye, she's a pretty blonde with grey-blue eyes. We talked a little last week, so at least there's someone in the cast I can be friends with.

At the school we take our seats in the classroom, ready to start filming. It's all so surreal to me and it feels like I'm actually in school. The first scene we shoot is just a simple conversation between Sam and Angie, and it's easy since I feel comfortable with her. We get it in the first try and after I feel excited that I'm actually going to be in a movie.

We get a couple more scenes done and luckily Isaac isn't acting in the movie yet. He still has to come and observe, and the whole time we film he stares me down. This causes me to lose focus and we have to take a few tries to get the scene right.

After we finish for the day, I decide to try to talk to Isaac. I walk over to him while he's on his phone and clear my throat to get his attention. He glances at me but goes back to his phone and keeps texting.

"Do you think I was alright?" I ask.

"I wasn't watching you, Skye was great though." He says not looking up from his phone.

"Are you busy? We could get some afternoon tea." I say hoping he won't reject me.

"What makes you think I want to hang out with you?" He says with a disgusted look on his face.

"I know you don't, but we haven't eaten anything for 5 hours, so I thought you would be hungry." I say.

"I can get my own food, dumbass." He says still not looking at me.

"But wouldn't it be better if it was bought for you?" I say not giving up. He grunts and walks away. Well there goes any chance of being friends with him. He stops just before the door and turns around to face me.

"Are you coming or not?" He says frustrated. I can't help but grin and follow after him, and I swear you could see the tiniest bit of smile on his frown. He takes his keys out of his pocket and opens his car. It's a bit run down, but it's vintage and has a nice vibe.

I sit in the passenger seat and realize that he could be driving me to my death instead of getting food. Oh well, I'll take my chances. We don't drive for long before we stop at a coffee shop.

"What would you like?" I ask turning to him.

"I can get it myself." He says gruffly.

"Yes, but I'm buying it for you." I say and shift my weight to the side.

"Just get me a coffee and a spinach pastry then." He says a little softer. I walk up to the counter and pay for Isaac's food as well as a chai latte and a spinach pastry, the same as him. I turn around and look for Isaac, and spot him on a table at his phone. I walk over and sit down waiting for our food.

"Who are you texting?" I ask. He looks up from his phone but doesn't look angry.

"Mind your own business." He says mumbling and blushing a little.

"Girlfriend?" I ask.

"What did I just say? And boyfriend actually, you dick." He says now getting a little frustrated. A couple of people around us look over at Isaac. A waitress comes and gives us our food.

"Thanks." I mumble whilst Isaac barely looks up. I take my latte and slowly sip it.

"How old are you? I question.

"18, what does it matter to you." He says.

"Just wondering if you were at my school." I said taking another sip from my latte. Isaac hasn't glanced at his food.

"I dropped out of school." He says quietly and I don't question him further.

"Are you going to eat?" I say motioning towards his food on the table.

"Are you ever going to stop asking questions?" He snaps, and picks up his coffee. He takes a huge drink and places it back down. "You happy now?" He looks behind my shoulder.

"Isaac..." I start but then sigh. I'm getting no-where with him. I see all the colour drain from his face as he stands up.

"Isaac what's wrong?" I ask and stand up with him.

"Excuse me..." He says whilst heading to whatever is behind me. I look at where he's going and see that he's walking to a table with a young couple about our age. I stay where I am, not wanting to interfere, but see that Isaac seems upset about something. The girl looks scared and shocked, whilst the boy doesn't show any emotion at all.

Isaac turns around and looks back at me, hesitates, then walks out the door. I run after him and try to forget about the wasted food. That's one thing I can't stand, when people buy food at restaurants and then not eat it. I see him opening his car and I quickly run to get in the car as well.

"Isaac who were they?" I say urgently. He looks pale.

"That was my boyfriend. sister." He says quietly not looking at my face. "He must've pretended he was gay to get to my sister."

"Oh Isaac, that's shit." I say reaching for hand but pull back realizing what I'm doing. He looks at me funnily but doesn't say anything mean like he usually would.

"I need to go home, I'll drop you off." He says starting the car. I tell him my address and we sit in silence for the rest of the car ride. Soon enough we pull into my driveway and he stops the car.

"I'll see you next week. And hey, don't worry about you're boyfriend, he's missing out on a lot." I say smiling at him.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore dumbass, just get out of the car." He says in an annoyed tone. I smile wider and hop out walking to my front door.

I could tell that he was back to his usual self.

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