27. "Relationship purgatory?"

Start from the beginning

He chuckles and continues to look through all the photos, occasionally asking me about where and when the photos were taken. Then he comes across a picture of me aged around twelve, wearing a pair of boxing gloves and smiling through the gum shield in my teeth.

"Okay, this explains a lot" he chuckles, pointing to the picture.

"Yeah, I used to do boxing when I was younger"

"Wait, really?" Brad asks, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah" I nod, "all my friends were doing gymnastics and horse riding, but I wanted to do boxing. I was the only girl that went and all the lads used to laugh at me because I was a girl so I kept going until I was better than all of them"

He laughs at that, shaking his head.

"I was smaller than all of them so I was a lot quicker" I tell him, "I ran rings around them all"

"Yeah, I can imagine that" he grins, "so if we had a fight, like a physical fight..."

"Oh, I would win, no question"

"Drawing, baking, boxing" he smiles, "you're a woman of many talents, aren't you?"

"Don't forget being a full-time bitch" I add, half-jokingly, "a lot of hard work goes into that, you know"

"Oh, of course" he nods, flicking onto the next page of the album, "the bitch was in-training at this point, I'm guessing" he snickers, pointing to a picture of me at someone's birthday party looking right at the camera with a very grumpy expression whilst the rest of the girl's at the table are all smiles.

"I didn't like her" I explain to Brad, pointing at the birthday girl, "and I didn't want to go to her party but my mum was friends with her mum so she forced me to go, so I spent the whole night with a face like a slapped arse"

Brad bursts into laughter at my little anecdote, and I can't help but smile widely and laugh too.

"I've never heard a more 'Ella' story" he snorts.

"I was a grumpy nine-year-old" I shrug. He looks at me and smirks.

"You're a grumpy eighteen-year-old"

"Old habits die hard"

Brad opens his mouth to say something else but a knock on the front door downstairs interrupts him.

"Hold on," I say as I push myself up and jog downstairs. When I get to the door, I find that it's just the postman with a parcel for my mum. I put it in the kitchen for her and go back up to my room. Brad has lost interest in the photo album and is reading another book now. I frown and step closer to get a better look.

"What's that?" I question, watching a smirk tug at his mouth. He doesn't answer and it worries me slightly so I take a closer look and recognise the familiar scrawl of my own thirteen-year-old handwriting. Ella's diary - Keep Out or Face Death!


"Shit, don't read that" I groan, quickly crouching down and trying to grab the book but Brad throws himself out of my reach.

"Dear diary, I think I have a crush on my brother's friend, Ben" he reads out in a girly voice that is nothing like my own, whilst I scramble to get the diary, "he's so cute and- ooof!"

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