Kevin imagine #1

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Kevin's POV

"Yo I'm telling you bro, Nicki Minaj would be way better than Kim Kardashian!" Exclaimed Devin.

"Naah, Kim Kardashian all the way!" Daniel responded.

"No one cares man. Anyway where are we-" I started but I got cut off by the sight of the most smoochie girl I've seen in a while.

"Do you guys see that girl over there in the black shorts?" I asked the other guys. They looked in the direction that I was staring in and then proceeded to smirk.

"Yeah I see her, I also see that she's way out of your league" said Devin.

"Bro, stop trying to kill his vibe! Just go talk to her Kev" encouraged Daniel.

"I'm telling you Kevin,  she's gonna shut you down faster than you can say  the word number." Devin stated.

"Well, let's go and see." I left the boys and confidently walked up to the beautiful girl who was wearing black shorts, a white crop top and black and white Nike airforces.

The closer I got to this girl the more nervous I got. She was sitting on a bench texting someone. I didn't want to disturb her but I didn't want to go back to the guys looking like a fool.

"Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?" I asked politely. She shook her head as she continued to text whoever. Oh boy, this is going to be hard.

I sat next to her and thought about the next thing that I could say to her. My next words had to be smooth and romantic....Yep I got nothing. I just stared at this girl and the more I stared at her the more I realised that I've never come across a more beautiful girl.

"I can see you staring at me through the corner of my eye so if you want to say something to me hurry up and say it otherwise you can stop looking at me." Said the mysterious girl. Her words took me by surprise but it gave me something to say to her.

"I'm sorry miss, it's just that you really are beautiful" I said. She never took her eyes off her phone but I could see her blushing.

"Thanks, is that all?" She asked. I am not giving up just yet baby girl.

"Nope. I'm Kevin but my friends call me Thug Jesus. What's your name gorgeous?" I questioned smoothly. She finally looked up from her phone and stared at me with confusion written all across her face.

"Thug Jesus? What kind of name is that?" She questioned.

"It's an awesome name because I'm kind of awesome." I smirked. She giggled and then looked back at her phone.

"I'm y/n" She finally told me her name.

"What a beautiful name to suit such a beautiful lady" I complimented.

"Are you going to continue complimenting me? because you're making me blush and I don't like it" She explained before giving me her gorgeous smile.

"I'll stop if you give me your number" I suggested

"Why? So you can go and brag to your friends and then never call me?" She questioned curiously.

"Of course not baby, I'll brag to my friends because your worth bragging about but I'll definitely call you. I promise." I answered honestly.

"Okay, pass me your phone." I unlocked my phone and handed it to her. I watched her hungrily as i licked my lips while she typed in her number.

"Thanks" I said when she gave me my phone back.

"Your welcome. I'll be expecting a call or text from you Thug Jesus" She said as she stood up.

"Dont worry ma, you'll get one" She giggled one last time before she waved me goodbye.

I walked back up to the boys who were staring at me enviously. They already know I got her number so I wasn't going to rub it in their faces...yet.

Later that day

ThugJesus- hey ma, it's Kevin from earlier.😏

Y/n- Oh yeah, hey Thug Jesus ❤ be continued......

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