“Ahh…Fujioka Masami, eh?” He mused. I continued to glare at Aomine, watching him rub a hand in his chin. “So you’re that chick Satsuki wouldn’t shut up about. Run along now and go do your ballet stuff.”

            I snapped.

            I lunged for the stupid navy-haired teen with my hand clenched into a fist. With my light and agile body – courtesy of ballet – I covered the distance between us in a single jump. I came down, punching him square in the cheek. Aomine stumbled backwards, surprise written on his face.

            “Tch, Ahomine,” I spat. His hand flew up to his cheek as he grumbled. Kagami stared at me with wide eyes, surprised at my violent behavior.

            “Fiesty. This will make things more interesting for me at Inter-High.” Aomine recovered from the initial shock and was now back with his cocky attitude. I spun around, turning my back on the stupid tanned giant and stomped over to Kagami.

            “Come, Bakagami. Riko’s looking for you.”


            “I was worried about the two of you! And you! Baka Masami! You’re a girl! Taking on Aomine Daichi is no joke! Bakagami! Why didn’t you stop her? You’re reckless and…” Riko continued her rant. Kagami and I were kneeling on the hard indoor floors of the basketball court. Hyuga and the others smirked at us evilly, silently supporting Riko. It was only because I left them to go find Kagami while Momoi was here. After she left, Riko intensified their training by multiplying everything by three and I had skipped out on them.

            Riko continued her rant as I tried to hold back a yawn – keyword: tried. She stopped mid-scold when she noticed my yawn,

            “Oh sorry, Masami-chan. Am. I. Boring. You?” She leaned in closer to my face as I panicked.

            “A-ano, R-ri-ko-c-c-chan, I-I was j-just appreciating y-your c-concern for m-me,” I stuttered, frightened out of my mind.

            “Pffft!” A snort escaped from the red-hair’s lips which caught Riko’s attention.

            “And you!” I held back my laughter when Riko turned her wrath upon the trembling giant.


            After kneeling down and listening to Riko’s rant for two hours, Kagami and I trudged back home with everyone else. I was so tired from listening to her scolds so I ended up blocking her out for the majority of the time.

            Ugh, tomorrow’s Saturday…That means ballet practice from 10 to 2:30.

            “Ano…Riko?” I tentatively called out. I was in the middle of the group while Riko was up front with Hyuga. She turned around.


            “Eto…I have ballet tomorrow so I can’t go to practice.” I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes – Riko stomped towards me and gripped my shoulders, shaking me violently. My head rolled around on my shoulders with my eyes becoming swirls.

            “Why?! Now you tell me?! I was about to make practice plans for tomorrow!”

            “O-oi, Riko! Stop shaking her! Masami-chan’s going to die!” Hyuga shouted. Riko stopped, glaring at me.

            “I h-have a performance in front of the prime minister of Britain by the end of the m-month. I’m the lead role as the prima ballerina, so I have rehearsals every other night around 8 to 11.” My vision slightly cleared up. I was greeted by the sight of my teammates staring at me in awe and admiration.

            “W-what? You guys are creeping me out,” I said.

            “YOU’RE performing for the prime minister of Britain?!” They all exclaimed.

            “Are you guys doubting me? Tch.”

        “I didn’t doubt you, Masami-san,” Kuroko’s soft voice responded. I threw an arm across Kuroko’s shoulders.

            “That’s why you’re my favorite out of these weirdos, Kuroko!” I chirped happily. They sweat-dropped at my reply.

            “We just didn’t think that you were THAT good…” Kagami trailed off. I gave him a murderous stare.

            “Well, you guys can come watch me tomorrow if you want. Hyuga and a couple others already know where the studio is at because they stalked me last time.” I gave them a pointed look and they chuckled nervously.

            “Well, I’m off! Practice tomorrow at 10 if you want to come!” I jogged off ahead of them, throwing a hand up in the air to wave goodbye. 


A/N: Thanks for helping me reach 3,500 views, everyone! If you could do me a great favor, vote and leave reviews for me! Don't forget to vote for my fanfic in the category of "Others" in the KnBWattys :) 

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