"He attacked you."

"He probably just did that cause you hurt him. You need to heal him, use your glowing water trick and make him better."

"No, we can't have him lurking around camp."

"I'll make sure everyone's fine. I mean, look at this! He's so sweet." Rorrick cradled the bulltiger's head in his lap and listened to the poor creature's sad whine.

Mae lowered herself to the ground beside Jeera and she nodded her head to the bulltiger. "Do it, Jeera. Heal the creature."

"But, Mae--"

"Why are you questioning me? I didn't realize you were in a position to do something like that."

"I'm not questioning. Protocol says--"

"I helped write the protocol, Jeera, don't quote it at me. I'm telling you to heal the creature, now."

Jeera rolled his eyes and waved his hand. The frozen weapon instantly melted and Jeera bended it into a ball above the bulltiger. "He better not bite." He came close to the animal and held his hands over its wound. The ball of water dispersed over the creature's body and began to glow as the injury melted away. As Jeera funneled the water back into the bottle on his belt, the bulltiger lifted its head from Rorrick's lap. It looked back to where it had been skewered with the spear and licked the newly healed spot. It turned back to Rorrick and licked his face with a tongue that was big enough to wrap almost all the way around his head.

"Haha, see? He wouldn't hurt a fly."

Jeera stood up to move away but the bulltiger quickly turned to snap its jaw at him. Jeera stumbled backwards but the animal didn't chase after him. "Wouldn't hurt a fly?"

"Uh, you kind of hurt him first. Besides, if he actually wanted to hurt you I don't think you'd still be talking now."

"Mae, you know that when we see spirit animals like this we're not supposed to let them get to camp."

"That applies to the wild ones." Mae grinned at Jeera. "It seems like this one is tame enough."


"That will be all, Jeera. Please go back to your guard duties while Rorrick and I go back to our business."

"What business is that, anyway? People have been talking, you know. You haven't taken on a new student in almost a year and now suddenly you're meeting the newbie in secret in the dark?"

"What did I say about questioning me?"

"Fine, whatever, just make sure that monster doesn't kill anyone."

"I'm sure he won't, not with Rorrick around."

Jeera grumbled as he went back to his duties. Rorrick stood up beside Mae and the bulltiger moved to his side, pressing its weight against him and threatening to knock him over. "Why did you stand up for me like that?"

"I think the better question is why did you stand up for that animal? He just attacked you after all."

"I don't know." He looked at the bulltiger and felt its thick orange fur. "I guess he just reminds me of someone."

"Think of him like the air. If you give strength to the dangerous components of his spirit he will tear you apart but if you nurture him properly I'm sure he will be a trustworthy friend."

Rorrick smiled at Mae. The more he got to know her the more wisdom he realized she possessed. She hid behind pleasant smiles and a gentle demeanor but he knew that inside she was stronger than anyone else in the freak town he now called home.

"Besides, the Avatar has always had a close connection with spirit animals. From what I've read in the Lotus Library, every one of your past lives has had at least one spirit animal companion. You derive your strength from these companions, just as they derive theirs from you."

"So you think this guy is my companion?"

Mae laughed as the bulltiger turned to lick Rorrick's face again. "Yes, I think he has decided that is the case."

"Well, I guess I should give him a name then, huh?" Rorrick scratched the animal behind its large round ear. "How about... Magnus?" The animal snorted in response and Rorrick laughed.

"Okay, not Magnus. Maybe Hugo? No?" Rorrick leaned against his new friend as he contemplated names. "I know, how about Bowjangles?"
The bulltiger, who was busy sniffing Rorrick's hair, let out what sounded like a groan.

"No, it's great! It'll grow on you I'm sure. Bowjangles, I'll call you Bowie, it'll be cute."

Bowie grunted.

"You'll need to find him a safe place to stay," Mae said, "Outside of the colony of course."

"What? Why can't he come home with me?"

"I may have a lot of faith in you but Jeera was right. Letting a spirit animal like this get anywhere near the colony is against policy for a reason. He would cause a panic."

"But you said that cool thing about him being my trustworthy friend!"

"Relax, relax. First of all, you were air bending like a champ just now! I think you have Bowie to thank for that so I don't expect him to stay away forever. He's got a permanent invitation to your training sessions from now on and we'll gradually introduce him to the colony when the time is right."

"But he's so cute! How can I possibly--" Before Rorrick could finish what he was saying, Bowie rubbed up against him one more time and bounded off into the forest. "Well... I guess that settles that."

"He'll be back for you," Mae smiled as she reached out for Rorrick's arm. "Now, let's go home, shall we? I'm getting tired."

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