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It's been a week since college started after a short break, and Niall had been absent everyday since.Jade started to worry about him ever since his family left London to go back to Ireland and now he's moved into a shared dorm with Louis and Liam.

"So," Niall, yawning, slumped back on the chair as he sat in front of his dinning table. He stared at her back tattoo which was facing him since she was cooking; he angrily stated, "WHY THE FUCK, DID YOU COME BUSTING INTO MY DOOR FOR?!" he exclaimed.

Jade smiled sweetly, "well, ever since your parents left you to go to Ireland, you've been missing a lot of days at school," she placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.

"I have my own reasons, thank you very much" he mumbled, turning away with a blush.

"No way, Nialler," she put her hands on her waist, "you haven't eaten anything healthy ever since they left. I bet you've been sticking your fat ass on fast-foods and take-outs," she sneered, sitting across him.

'How does she know all this?' he thought, blushing, 'I bet she has this antenna hidden behind her ears that's why she could track down my actions, yeah,' he nodded to himself, smirking as he thought how great his reasoning was.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Jade said with half a smile, hitting him at the back of his head.

"Ow, Damnit," he cursed but still, took a bite out of his bacon.

"If you were wondering how I knew you were taking out foods, that's because it's written all over your face and that, I'm smarter," she smirked.

"Show off!" he shot back.

"Pervet !"

"Disney -maniac!"

"Idiotic golf maniac!" 

"You take that back, Jade!"

"Make me," she stuck out her tongue.

"By the way Niall." Jade smiled sweetly, " Would you mind coming with me later?"

"Going where?", he asked bluntly.

"To the mall! I have things to do, so please " she said, giving him her best attempt at baby doll eyes.

"Oh boy, do I have a choice?"

"No. You don't!", she replied proudly.

----- the next day ----//

"Date?!" Jade asked in disbelief while Jesy stared at her with this freaky grin on her face.Jesy  nodded, "yeah. Didn't you and Niall go to the mall the other day?"

"We did,-" Jade tried to explain but it was no use.

"It's not actually hanging-out," Jesy shrugged and leaned back to her seat, "it was a date."

"actually," Jade stood up, "we weren't able to shop because he WAS late."

"Still, both of you agreed to meet, right?"

"You point is...?" Jade asked sighing."MY POINT IS," Jesy exhaled sharply, "you two should move on from 'friends' to 'lovers'," She exclaimed.

Jade sighed, "for the last time, IT WASN'T A DATE."

Suddenly, the classroom door opened, "good morning," Niall said with a smile. Everyone in the classroom greeted him, of course.

"Oi Horan! It's been long without you bro!" 

"Horan lad you've missed quite a lot! The new professer is hot as hell"

He sat on the empty chair beside Jade ignoring his 'friends', "hey, Jade. I found this cool café near your place. Want to check it out?" he asked with a grin,"Y'know for being late yesterday and...I'm sorry."

"Sure thing," she smiled, causing Jesy to cough.

"Date," she coughed.

Jade looked at her best friend annoyed, with disbelief, "Jesy, Niall and I are friends. FRIENDS ONLY," she whispered.

"Whatever you say, Jade ," Jesy stood up and left the room.

------ @ the cafe -----/

Jade sat across Niall and while he ordered, she glanced around the place, "there aren't any customers around, huh?" she said.

"Yes, well, we just opened a while ago so we aren't expecting any more customers today," the waitress said.

"Oh," Jade replied, looking around. Suddenly, she saw a couple walked into the café and sat right beside their table, and blushed as the corner of her eye looked at Niall.

'Of course, this isn't a date,' she shook her head, 'I mean, it'll be awkward and all. We're just here to hang-out. NOT A DATE.'

"Hey," he said.

Jade looked at him, blushing, "w-what?"

"nothing," he smiled, "you just look a bit red. I thought you have a fever or something."

Jade smiled, "i-it's nothing." Suddenly, he leaned forward and put his forehead against hers, causing Jade to blush again.

"Yeah, I must be imagining things," he smiled and sat back.

"Uhm, Niall?" She asked, " so why are we here?" 

"Oh right. Well you see... it's a girl. I heard she comes around often but I needed to make sure of that so I could get her digits, and make up for being late yesterday." He coughed stretching his arms awkwardly.

"Oh. I see..." she said smilingly sadly. She had merely forgotten about his casual flings and no girlfriend nor dates rule, simply because she hoped he had changed. But who was she kidding? Niall will always be Niall. It can't be changed.

"What's wrong? Wait don't tell me you thought this was a date?!" He exclaimed.

"Pfft!... of course not!This couldn't be a date because..." her voice faded as she looked away hiding her blush.

"... because it'll be awkward," he finished for her. Truth is he wouldn't mind going out with her, but , sadly, he didn't have the courage to admit it, " Besides were just friends... best friends, right Jade?"

"Yeah we are," she smiled softly at him, " anyways why would I date a perverted idiot like you" she scoffed as they laughed.


Finally it's here! Long as promised with more plot...

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave your thoughts ♥️

Fraud { Jiall AU }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ