Cousin Chaos

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Hermione's POV
Dear Hermione,
I would like you to please reconsider your decision and attend our family reunion this weekend.
It is to be hosted at the Grand Constellation Hotel. Please send us your answer.
~Mom and Dad
"Honey, I don't think we're getting out of this anymore." I say, shaking my head with a sigh and beginning to pack.

Ansley's POV
I hop out of Dad's new red Corvette. "Come on, Dad. Stephanie is probably already here!" I say with exasperation as I walk quickly into the hotel lobby, winking seductively at some guy in his car. I hear Dad mumble something incoherently but I ignore it. I prance into the hotel like I own the place. Hopefully, if my plan goes right, I actually will soon.
I see Stephanie and call out to her, "Hey, Steph!" She turns and glares around, most likely annoyed that she's being called away from her latest catch. As soon as her eyes meet mine she stops glaring and smirks. She struts over to me. "How's the plan goin' Ans?" She asks and I give her a smirk back. "So far, it's gone flawlessly."
I scan around the room as we chat to see who else is here. It seems that Dad and I are the last ones here except Aunt Diane, Uncle Frank, and Beaver. I see a beat-up old Minivan pull into the parking lot. That's obviously them.
Aunt Diane and Uncle Frank step out of the car but Beaver doesn't show. Not that I expected her too, she hasn't come since she was 11 and Steph and I were 12. To be polite, Steph and I walk over to them and exchange pleasantries. "Might I ask if Bea- I mean Hermione is coming?" Steph asks. Aunt Diane nods and I raise my eyebrow.
Uncle Frank looks behind him and peers into the parking lot. "She should be here any moment now..." He trails off as a shiny black Limo drives in. It stops at the door and a lady with long, sleek brown hair, dazzling brown eyes, shining perfect teeth, and a astounding hourglass figure steps out. She is quickly followed by what appears to be two six-year-olds with platinum blonde hair helping a two-year-old girl with slightly bushy brown hair.
The lady walks in and gazes around. She zones in on my aunt and uncle and saunters over. "H-" Aunt Diane begins to say but I cut her off. "Hey there. I'm Ansley Granger, popular model from the magazine Hot and Dazzling." I say. Steph extends her hand for the lady to shake. "And I'm Stephanie Le Blanc, Hollywood actress." She tells the lady.
The lady laughs. "I would have thought that my cousins who scrutinized me the most would have recognized me on sight. It's me Hermione, and these are my three kids. Scorpius, his twin Cassiopeia, and my youngest Vulpecula." She says.
My jaw drops. "But you- Beaver- Hermione-" I try to say something but I'm speechless.

Hermione's POV
Ansley and Stephanie's expressions are hilarious. My kids look between them and me trying to figure out what's going on then giving up. Vulpie, Vulpecula's nickname, toddles over to my parents, falling over every few steps. They gasp in astonishment. "I didn't know she could walk yet!" Mum exclaims and I grin. "Mommy said it a sipwise!" Scorpius says with an adorable facial expression.
This snaps Ansley and Stephanie out of their trance. "Wait a second, you have kids? Are you even married?" They ask together then laugh as if they had just shared a funny joke. In seconds, my whole extended family bagins to crowd around me. "Hermione has kids?! She should have known better than to have children out of wedlock." My father's mother rages.
I give an exasperated sigh. I catch the eye of the receptionist, Sarah Daniels. She actually works for me as I, in fact, own the hotel. Sarah points to her hand and mimes talking. I shake my head slightly. She then points to the phone then to her How To Train A Dragon poster. Or more specifically, the word Dragon. This time I nod.
Suddenly someone snaps their fingers in my face. "Hello! Are you paying attention to me?!" They whine/shriek. I recognize the voice as my Aunt Riley. I turn towards her a bit. "Excuse me, but I spaced out. Could you repeat yourself?" I ask, knowing that repeating herself gets on her nerves. She says, quite loudly I might add, "You have ruined the Granger line you dirty slut. You probably hooked up with some guy at a bar and got pregnant then did it again. Most likely you did it for the child support they'll now have to pay you."
The lobby door slams open. "Did someone just call my wife a slut?!" A deep voice booms out.
What'd you guys think? Is it any good? It's obvious who the guy is at the end of the chapter.
Is it bad that I'm the author and I already want to strangle Ansley, Stephanie, and Riley?...

{Discontinued} Granger Family ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now