"Getoff me!!! Uncle!" He shouted. I didn't stop.  I kept on punching him until I was pulled of of the Soc. "Stupid Grease!! You almost killed him!! You almost killed him!!!" He screamed in my face. I was slammed against the brick wall, and if you think that doesn't hurt, you're crazy. The soc who had me pinned against the wall was now punching the living hell out of me. He had rings on his hands. "Trying to kill another one of us??!!! Huh??!!" He screamed, punching me even more. It hurt like a mother. I could barely keep from crying out, and I couldn't even defend myself."Hey!" Someone yelled. My ears perked up. That was Pony's voice! "Pony!! It's me, Johnny!!" I yelled, my voice weak.I got slugged again, this time in the mouth, and my lip split open. Blood gushed out. I heard other voices. It was the gang. Some other Socs went to fight them, and about three stayed to beat me up. They let go of me, and I fell to the ground, groaning from the pain. Then they started kicking me in the ribs and stomach. Then the gang jumped them. The Socs had no chance against the gang.

"Johnny, Johnny are you ok! Johnny!! Answer me buddy?" Someone yelled in my ear. I opened my mouth to say something like, 'Stop yelling, I'm fine', but came out like, "Unghh" Someone picked me up started walking. "Oh god, is he ok?" Someone started blubbering. It sounded like PonyBoy. "Shut up and get the first aid kit." That was Darry. I felt someone putting medicine on my cuts and bruises. I passed out from the pain. 

I woke up with a dry mouth and a sore body. I sat up, and immediately regretted it. There was a glass of water and a couple aspirins on the bed side tables. I gulped them down and got out of the bed. I was at PonyBoy's house. I looked around the room. My shirt had been taken off, and I could see all my scars and fresh bruises. I pick up a black shirt from the ground. It was mine. I saw a couple spots of blood on it. No matter, I have had worse. I pulled it over my head, recoiling at the smell of blood and smoke.

I walked into the kitchen, seeing the guys in the kitchen, horsing around. I smelled chocolate cake. I was about to open the oven when the boys saw me. "Johnny, how are you buddy??" Soda asked.I shrug. I have had worse from my dad. I got a piece of cake and sat down on the couch. "So, wanna tell us what you were doing trying to fight those Socs??" Two-Bit asks me, sipping a beer. "Not really." I mumble. "Tell us anyway." Two-Bit says with a glare. "Well, they are the ones who called Patrick to come and get Charlotte to take her back to Montana. And, I just had to take it out on something." Everyone nods. They understood. Most of us came from not-so-good families. Sometimes we just wanted to take our anger out on something.

I take a bite of the cake and sigh, I barely ever had anything so good. I finish, just as Dally suggests that we should take a walk, maybe beat up a few 'sonsofbitches Socs'. Darry, Soda and Steve decline the offer. They head off to work. That left PonyBoy, Dally, Two-Bit and me. We finished the cake and headed out of the house. Looking for some action.

We found it. There was a big fight between Tim Shepards kid brother, Tim, and a whole bunch of Socs. Curly was always a good fighter, but no one could fight five Socs at once. Two-Bit immediately jumped in and started fighting. So did Dally. Ponyboy looked a little hesitant. He was like that sometimes. One wrong move, and he could be put in a home. We walked a little ways away, close enough to see the fight and jump in if Dally or Two-Bit needed help, but far enough so it wouldn't look like we weren't involved. Soon enough, the Socs got beat. They must have had hangovers, because they looked sick. I would never drink, because my parents had proved that alcohol was the worst thing ever. Dally, Two-Bit and Curly walked over to us, smug looks on their faces. "Hope that was worth it," Pony said, "Cause here come the cops." The smug looks came right off of Two-Bit and Curly, but Dallas stayed as cool as a cucumber.

"Is there a problem here gentlemen?" The police man said, glowering at Dally. He must be that one cop who got his belt stolen by Dally. "No sir. Our buddy was getting beat up real bad, so we had too help him. Shawn here just got out from the hospital, so he wasn't really in shape to fight." Dally said, while ruffling Pony's hair. The police man nodded and walked off, the direction of the alley ways, no doubt where the rest of the Shepard gang were. I couldn't blame the guy, the Shepard gang looked mean.

"Johnny, do you wanna go see a movie?" Dally asked me while lighting a cigarette. I shrugged and kicked the dirt with my shoe. "Come.on Johnny Cake, it'll be fun!" PonyBoy said, getting excited.  He loved movies. I looked at them. Dally and Curly and Two-Bit. They were hoods, and would die hoods. Nothing would ever change.  There would always be Socs and Greasers,even if they weren't called the same thing. "Hey, Johnny is that your answer?" I looked up. I had been lost in thought. I nodded.  All I really wanted was to go back to the church in Windrixville, where it didn't there weren't any Socs or Greasers. Just plain old ordinary people.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was working on something else. Please don't hate me. Next update will be interesting. I swear.


The Outsiders:Johnny and Charlottes Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें