Every body loves kace

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*Group chat*

Kimi: k so in school the other day I was in history class and these nerd guy's phone rings and these jock guy trying to make fun of him was like whose that your girlfriend*every one laughs* he was like nope it's yours then there was dead silence every where😹 boy was I trying hard not to laugh.
Kenedie:lol ok so in the park the other day Tatiana was kinda making fun of my t shirt with her minoin's then I turned to talk to Alex to make her upset a little I was like Alex u knw some girls eyebrows these days be looking like they got sponsored by Nike she turned and glared at me then I was like what 😇 she stormed out really really angry
Mackenzie: to hell with her anger
Yvonne: I know right
Sam:uuum kiki someone told me you sound like an owl
Keny😉:she got u dude
Kiki:well I got a joke for u too
Sam:hit me with your best shot
Kiki:why did the chicken cross the road?
Kiki:to get to the ugly witches house
Sam:mm kinda don't get it
Kiki:knock knock
Sam: who's there?
Kiki:the chicken

Mac👊:a double joke
Kimi✌:BOOM! U just got served
Yvonne😜: Can't breath rotfl.
Kiki: chill-lax gurl u started it
Sam:*sigh* 😒well good game I guess
Kiki: thanks
Sam:for know😈
Yvonne:pls she is bluffing
Mac👊:I see someone is tired
Alex:yeah I think we all need sleep
Kimi:it's 11:54 at night and we got school tommorow so know all of you GO TO BED!!!
*All of them*:OK mom
Mac:yo we said the same thing at the same time
Kimi:jinx! you all doing what I say tommorow. Ha! that what u get for calling me mom.
Yvonne: keep dreaming before you sleep
Kimi: will see
Mac:goodnight dudes
*All of them*:night
*All of them*:JINX!!!
*All of them*:Danng it!
*All of them*:lol


Kimi is getting ready for school she wore

Kimi is getting ready for school she wore

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And Combs her hair

And Combs her hair

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Kiki's outfit

Kiki's outfit

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