28th chapter: Advancing towards the end

Start from the beginning

Tossing around the bed I got irritated and got up. I went towards the bathroom and didn't even bother to turn on the lights, I knew that it would only pain my eyes seeing as they were already used to the darkness, but there was no need either way because there was enough light coming from the smoked window of my bathroom, a strange light. Intrigued by what it might be I returned to my room and opened the window advancing to the balcony.

Through the tall buildings it was impossible to perceive the exact location from where the light was coming but one thing I was sure, that direction lead to the school.

When I was about to get back inside and think about what I should do, I heard Jeremy's door closing and saw him leaving and walking towards the light's direction. Without a second thought I grabbed the ring Ethereal, the king of the spirits had given me and put on my red snickers leaving the house and following after Jeremy.

Mia's PoV

Heart and I had finally arrived at the location from where the strange green light was being emitted and we hadn't been wrong: it was indeed the school.

As the minute passed by, more and more students arrived at the site, some were gathering in front of the school while others went inside.

"It's like almost every student is here!" I commented observing from a distance with Heart. "What do they want?"

"About that, I think we will soon find out. Come!" and pulling me towards the corner of the street where the horizontal and vertical road leading to the school united, Heart squatted down telling me to do the same.

"Heart, why are we hiding?" I asked and Heart gestured to the open roof of the school.

Despite the odd green light emitting from the building like smoke, it wasn't easy to distinguish the facial features and details but even so, upon looking at the silhouette up in the roof I knew to whom it belonged to immediately.

"Klaud." I said and Heart nodded.

"So that's the bastard controlling Jeremy!" a voice behind me rang and I was taken aback.

"Reyen?" both Heart and I couldn't help say.

"Hey there! You didn't think that I'd leave all the fun to you, did you?" he declared with a smile.

Surprisingly despite what was happening he kept his good humour and that was something that made me appreciate him even more.

"How come you are here?" Heart questioned, though I too wanted to know.

"Something kept me wake. I then saw a light and caught Jeremy leaving the house... oh crap!" Reyen stopped looking around frenetically. "I lost Jeremy!" he exclaimed face palming.

"Do not worry. I have a feeling we will find him."

"Or he will find us." I added aware this wouldn't be a small confrontation.

Heart's PoV

"We cannot stay here all night." I pointed out and Mia and Reyen agreed.

"We have to act but we don't know what will happen if we do." Mia said exposing the problem at hands.

"Well, I have a hunch that this Klaud guy isn't only gathering the students because he wants an audience." Reyen proclaimed and I couldn't help but agree with him.

"He probably intends to use them because he knows we will not be able to hurt them."

"Ha! Jokes on him because in my case there really are a few people I wouldn't mind knocking out." Reyen enthusiastically spoke which somehow made Mia laugh. "See, Mia knows what I'm talking about."

"Oh Reyen," with a smile on her lips Mia called "we can't do that."

"She is right." I joined in but Reyen didn't back down.

Seeing how hard he was concentrating I quickly understood he was trying to use father's ring to call forth a weapon, but what came out surprised both Mia and I.

"A frying pan?" Mia asked but soon started to laugh not being able to hold it in. "Don't tell me you want to knock them out with a frying pan."

"That's correct." Reyen chirped in.

"You are taking your jokes too far. This is no child's play. This is serious!" I scolded him unsatisfied by the fact he was taking this matter too lightly.

"But I am serious. Look, a frying pan won't kill only leave a bump at most but if used with enough strength it can knock a guy out." Reyen explained and I ended up giving in.

"You could have thought about a sword with reverse blade – one that cannot cut – though." I let out with a sigh.

"I'll leave the swording to you seeing as you are clearly better at it than I."

"That is not even a word." I complained.

"Oh going fancy on me now, are you?" Reyen argued back.

"Guys, no time for that!" Mia warned coming between Reyen and I and flicking both of our foreheads. "Reyen are you sure about this? Once we go inside neither of us knows what will happen. We will be putting our lives at risk." with the intense serious expression that only she could have, Mia addressed Reyen.

"I am not backing down. I'm doing this. I'm going to save Jeremy!" Reyen claimed with a convicted expression.

Just like that time when Mia had been kidnapped there was nothing that could be said that would stop him but this stubbornness of him only made me acknowledge him much more.

"Then are we all ready?"

"What about you?" Reyen asked.

"I'm okay Reyen. I have improved. I can now regulate the amount of energy I use so I can create a sphere with just the right amount of power to knock them out without endangering their lives." Mia explained.

"Oh, that's impressive! I always knew you were an amazing girl." Reyen complimented Mia to which she answered with a thank you.

"Let's not waste any more time. We are in a race against the clock." Mia pointed out facing the school ready to take action.

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