''Aaahh!!'' We both screamed as soon as the cold water touched our bare skin. We kept on walking until half our bodies were inside the water and then finally took a dive, feeling the coldness around both our bodies. We both went out to take a breath again and started laughing like crazy.

''Oh. My. god! It's fucking freezing!!'' Lana said almost out breath but in a funny tone I couldn't help but continue to laugh at.

''Shit! I really thought it was going to be warm!'' I said while I hugged my own body trying to warm myself up.

''It's all your fault!'' Lana said splashing water at me in a playful manner.

''What! You were the one that agreed on getting in, I was fine just laying in the sand!'' I said splashing her back.

We got into a little water splashing war and started laughing harder.

''Ok, Ok you win! fuck I'm going to get hypothermia.'' I said kidding, but I was truly freezing my ass off.

''Me too, Lets go back to the shore.'' Lana said.

I started walking against the current, or at least trying to, and I almost fell because Im so fucking clumsy. Lana laughed at me but grabbed my hand so I could have some support and we both made our way out of the cold water. We continued on walking hand in hand until we reached our towels and we started drying up.

I... honestly couldn't help but look at Lana as she dried herself. She still had a lot of water droplets in her body. He hair was all wet and looked darker and she was still smiling. I couldn't take my eyes off her- her beautiful hourglass waist... her hips... and those amazing legs... What the fuck am I doing? I thought. I stopped cause she caught me looking at her and a deviated my eyes to the sea. Couldn't help the obvious blush that was present in my face though.

I was still shaking a little from the cold. So Lana grabbed her towel and put it around me and started pressing my sides so I could get warmed up.

''Well, I think we're gonna have to wait for another couple of weeks until the water gets warm enough to swim in.'' She laughed.

''Guess so.'' I took a deep breath. ''Anyways, should we go get that ice cream I owe you?'' I asked with a smile and she nodded.

''Sounds great.''

We got dressed and I bought us each a cone of soft ice cream. We kept on talking as we walked alongside the shore, finally getting dry again. The sun was already starting to set, but we didn't care, we kept on walking and looking at the waves crash. Once we came back, we sat down in our towels again, looking at the horizon until the sun was completely gone and only the moon was lightning up our faces.

"Lana, take a look at the stars." I said pointing to the sky.

"They're so bright. So beautiful. You don't get this many in the city..." Lana said looking up. She returned her gaze at me and I was still smiling at her. Why did I always got caught? It didn't matter, because she smiled back at me.

"Thanks for inviting me here today. I wasn't having the best of days." She told me.

"Really? Why what happened, is everything okay?" I asked her a little worried.

Lana looked at the dark sea in front of us. "Yeah.. I.. I shouldn't be complaining really."

"Hey it's not complaining, It's fine if you want to talk about it. You know you can trust me." I assured her with a little smile.

Lana stared at my brown eyes and gave me back a soft smile, then she looked down and the smile quickly transformed into a serious face and subtle tears started escaping her eyes. I swear to god I felt a strong punch in my heart when I noticed she was crying. I instantly worried and started stroking her arm.

"Hey, hey... what's wrong?" I asked her softly while getting closer to her. The older girl put her hand over me as she wiped her tears embarrassed.

"I just- Sometimes I just feel so... trapped. Like I don't know what to do anymore. I stopped doing what I love because I met Salvador and now my duty was being the perfect wife for him. And I am, I try so hard. every time he comes back home I'm there for him, but I just feel like a puppet he uses to take out his lust and then I am left a feeling with emptiness. And... I miss singing, but I can't sing anymore, how bad would that look? I need to be a good society lady, go to dinners, always dress perfectly... I don't know what to do.
I miss my freedom. So Much." Lana kept on sobbing silently.

My heart felt like it was being crushed on the inside, I couldn't help but pull her closer to me and hug her tight as she drenched my blouse with her tears. I didn't know what else to do, I just wanted to make her feel better somehow.

"Lana please don't cry, I can't see you like this.''

I said wiping a tear of her face without thinking. "There is nothing bad about about saying it out loud and acknowledging your feelings. That just proves how much of a strong and amazing woman you are. And any man would be the luckiest to be married to you. But I don't see how being somebody's wife should take your freedom away. If you want to sing then sing, if you want to travel, you should travel and see the world. Neither Salvador, nor anyone should tell you what to do, because you're a free soul. And that is just one of the million things I admire about you."

Lana looked up and stared at my honey brown eyes, her own green one's were beautifully glistening from the moonlight. What a fucking beautiful person I thought. Why is she looking at me so intently like that.

My breathing was cut out and I could feel my heart pumping like crazy when Lana slowly moved her face just inches to mine after a couple of seconds in silence of just staring at each other. I don't know how, but I felt this sudden pull towards her, and the need to close the small distance remaining on us, until I felt her soft lips on my own.

I felt my whole body shiver through a current of electricity and a sudden warmth. The kiss was fast and simple, it lasted only a couple of seconds, but I'd never felt such an intense reaction from such a simple kiss before. When we disconnected our lips, I was too dizzy and confused to say anything.

My complete shock must have been present in my face but I tried hiding it, and Lana, who swiftly wiped the remaining tears of her face, got up from the sand.

"I think I should head back home... it's already pretty late."

"Y- Yeah me too." I said clumsily getting up as well.

Lana grabbed her beach tote and her towel and started walking. She then turned around and with a smile, she told me.
"Thanks for listening Lily, and for today. I had a great time."

Still in complete shock of what just had happened, I simply nodded and smiled, then she kept on walking her way until she was out of sight, leaving me alone in the beach with my heart ready to beat out of my chest.

I FUCKING LOVE SUMMER AHH, Keep on voting loves... XX


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